The Old Amazigh Cuisine
The Old Amazigh Cuisine 1333
The Old Amazigh Cuisine
Moroccan cuisine, along with Japan and France, is ranked top in the world. Moroccan recipes have a distinctive imprint, which is addicted to the taster's tongue, which can only submit to the soul, which mixes the contradiction of salty and sweet, thanks to Morocco's culture and cultural diversity.

? What distinguishes Moroccan food as one of the best in the world A question that is answered by the words "Paula
Wolvert," an American who adores Moroccan cuisine and is the author of numerous books on the world's prestigious cuisines, who believes that any nation must meet four basic conditions in order to create a great kitchen that advances the list of global cuisines, namely, an abundance of ingredients, cultural diversity, great civilization, the existence of an extraordinary life associated with mansions and the luxury of the velvet surr, and the existence of an extraordinary life associated with mansions.
Authentic Amazigh spices:
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It doesn't take much effort to conclude from cookery writer Paula Wolvert that these four conditions are available in Moroccan cuisine that adheres to his race even at moments when he reproduces international dishes printed with the touch of "Tamghrabiyt."
Professional recruitment of spices within Moroccan cuisine is associated with ancient voyages to import spices for decades, which has made spices obedient tools in the hands of Moroccans, making a special combination of them to cook certain dishes associated with special occasions such as the Ras El Hanot(This is the set of ground and blended spices)which is a prerequisite for preparing traditional dishes.
A lot of grandmothers keep their own Ras alhanout in order to distinguish their dishes, these ingredients are usually passed from generation to generation, and their preparation requires some kind of effort, so some prefer to get them ready from the perfume shop, and one of the most famous ingredients of the ras alhanout: Turmeric, ginger, Black peppercorns, Ash fruit, Manigette, Cardamon, Cantharid, White ginger..
Besides spices the traditional cuisine is characterized by the use of breezy herbs that give the drinks a distinctive taste, especially the tea drink that reduces the traditions of Moroccan gatherings during happy or sad occasions. Among the most important herbs used in the traditional cuisine we find Absinthe, Anise, Green anise, Carvis, Original gum, Sage, Thyme, Verbina, MArjoram, Wild mint...
Moroccan tagine:
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Reclined olives, sour "destiny" or "stove" are traditional kitchen ingredients, whether for simple dishes such as potato and olive dishes, or for fine occasion dishes that enter olives and sour in their ingredients. The preparation of these ingredients within the home is an indication of women's ingenuity within Moroccan cuisine.
Women familiar with traditional kitchen foundations divide the types of broth marinated with the aforementioned materials into four types: yellow fried broth, margarine-breezed reddish broth, thick capacity broth made up of onions and breezed with saffron, and then the caramelized olive broth, sour pieces and sour juice, which is usually used for special occasions with reddened chicken.

This diversity of broths is present within major urban areas, while Amazigh regions know a kind of uniqueness in the use of oils that give special taste to authentic Amazigh Tajin, primarily corner oil breezed goat-flesh in the actual translation of each authentic dish's connection to its environment.
Besides the spices and breezes that characterize traditional cuisine, there are traditional pots that have kept their place within Moroccan cuisine Despite the availability of various modern cookware, many Moroccans prefer to rely on old cookware in order to maintain the flavor of traditional recipes, especially within ancient cities.
One of the most important tools is the bowl, which has maintained its simple, aggravated design in the foot, whether it is the mud bowl, or the wood bowl, which many Moroccans see as giving the couscous dish a special flavor.
Famous Amazigh Couscous:
The Old Amazigh Cuisine 778
Amazigh couscous
Besides the former Alanlat there is couscous, the oldest and most famous Amazigh dish within the Kingdom, it is also a translation of Moroccan cultural diversity, where couscous species are branched out and of the best-known, or couscous attached to onion stock and raisins, and couscous "seven vegetables." couscous fish, couscous watered with goat yogurt within desert areas, couscous with breezy herbs within mountain areas....
Couscous is a major meal known from time immemorial by the Amazigh, which is not long away from the table today and is cooked daily or on special occasions, and is common in most regions of North Africa, the Amazigh region (Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania, Tunisia, Libya), the island of Sicily, Italy and even France, where it is the French's second favorite.

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