?How Algeria is trying to destabilize the European Union
?How Algeria is trying to destabilize the European Union 2----52
Mr. Alexander De Croo, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Belgium and President of the Council of the European Union
Mr Charles Michel, President of the European Council
Ms. Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission
Ms. Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament
Mr Josep Borrell i Fontelles, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission & Ladies and Gentlemen MEPs of the European Parliament,
?Subject: How Algeria is trying to destabilize Belgium and the European Union after the blocking of the Union of Tamazgha States
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I remind you that I had the pleasure of sending MEPs a relevant correspondence, on the occasion of the 26th anniversary of the international day of the adoption of the Amazigh (Berber) flag, on August 30, where I exposed to you the subject of the harmful blockage of the Union of North African States (Tamazgha) on the part of the Algerian generals, and which is largely detrimental to the economic growth of your European Union countries.
I brought to your attention that those responsible for the Algerian power, in this case the “illegitimate” president of Abdelmajid Tebboune and his head of the Armed Forces, General Said Chengriha, had made all their efforts to ensure that their country integrated to the BRICS bloc, when they should have invested, simply and naturally, in the reconstruction of the geographical regional bloc where they find themselves, namely, that of the Economic Union of Maghreb countries. The will of the latter is completely contrary to the spirit of Algeria's association agreement with the European Union, arising from the Barcelona process of November 1995, signed in Valencia on 22 April 2002 and having taken effect on September 1, 2005. Its very first article states: "the encouragement of Maghreb integration by promoting exchanges and cooperation within the Maghreb as a whole and between it and the European Community and its Member States”.
We would like, first of all, to deeply congratulate the honorable MEPs for having adopted timely resolutions in favor of denouncing attacks on freedom of expression and human rights in Morocco and Algeria, despite the fact that it had sparked strong protests from the Moroccan and Algerian governments. The latter claimed that you intervened in the interference of their internal affairs, infringing, in some way, the notion of “full and complete sovereignty of States”. While in reality, you intervened in perfect harmony with the content of the Association Agreement that these two states had ratified with the EU, where article 2 clearly stipulates that: "Respect for democratic principles and fundamental human rights, as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, inspire the internal and international policies of the Parties and constitute an essential element of this Agreement.
On the other hand, in relation to the current Algerian regime, we can assure you that it has indeed committed interference in the internal affairs of one of your States, by creating a political formation with a separatist and terrorist vocation in the Kingdom of Belgium, with branches in Spain, the Netherlands, Germany, etc. Which clearly goes against the notion of “full and complete sovereignty of States”, by violating paragraph 7 of Article 2 of the Charter of United Nations of June 26, 1945.
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Indeed, these criminal and corrupt Algerian generals have just created the so-called “Rifain National Party” in the heart of the capital of your EU, which is Brussels, and they have provided an office in the heart of 'Algiers and a substantial budget. For what?
The latter, not only have they succeeded in hindering the union of North African States (erroneously called the Arab Maghreb Union (UMA), while the Maghreb countries are not Arab at all!) through the unconditional political-military support for the Polisario separatist movement (which a priori has already provoked an economic war against Morocco for five decades!), to close the land and air borders with Morocco, to create jihadist movements in the Sahel, to fuel state terrorism (which did not spare European citizens like the vile assassination of the seven French monks of Tibhirin, and which the journalist Hicem Aboud directly blamed the responsibility of General M'henna Djebbar), otherwise, they dared to go even further, by supporting the creation of this Riffian separatist party in Brussels on September 17, 2023! These sinister Algerian generals, carried away in this new and dirty separatist misadventure by General Djebbar, believe that by proceeding in this way, they will succeed in undermining the stability of the Kingdom of Morocco, which, recently, managed to win to his diplomatic cause several countries in favor of his thesis of granting autonomous status to his Saharan region!
Please be aware that what the Algerian generals are neglecting, consciously or unconsciously, as collateral damage, is that by doing so, they are destabilizing not only Morocco, otherwise they are also harming stability and peace. security of your own European states. Let us imagine and predict together the extreme case, entirely plausible, that elements of this Riffian separatist party, who have openly requested military training in Algeria [8], cross the Rubicon and take action. Let them commit terrorist actions to harm Moroccan interests. Where will they be able to carry out these probable terrorist attacks? It's simple, either in Europe, where more than 5 million Moroccan emigrants have taken up residence, or in Morocco, their country of origin. Let's assume that they commit it, far from Brussels, within their region of origin, the Rif, if they manage to bypass the Moroccan intelligence services! The north of Morocco, since the repression and imprisonment of the leaders of the “Hirak du Rif”, the Covid-19 pandemic and the closure of commercial borders with the cities of Ceuta and Melilla, has become the scene of permanent trafficking young people to the Spanish coast. Attacks, and the financial crises that followed, would, in this catastrophic panorama, only encourage and multiply the waves of emigration towards the southern European coasts, and which could easily exceed those emitted from the Libyan coasts. and Tunisians to the Island of Lampedusa and the Italian coasts!
Let us look again towards a more catastrophic scheme. We could expect anything from these irresponsible Algerian leaders, armed with a deep hatred towards Morocco, in this case from the duo Said Chengriha and Abdelmajid Tebboune (because they are really acting like psychiatric cases!), who after having ruined the socio-economic conditions of their own people of more than 40 million people (forced to wait in long queues to acquire basic necessities in a country rich in gas and in oil!), are obsessed with the idea of starting an armed conflict with Morocco (as a means of camouflaging, of course, their deep social and political crisis). In this sense, this desperate maneuver to support and create a new Riffian separatist movement is, in fact, only a new and umpteenth time to provoke Morocco towards this fratricidal war, and which the latter is trying to avoid. at all costs. After their bitter diplomatic failure towards their southern neighbors, in this case Mali, which put an end to the peace agreement signed in Algiers on the question of Azawad [9] and which turned to tie, alongside of Niger and Bourkina Fasso, very good diplomatic relations with Morocco, they bring out the separatist card of the Rif and the manipulation of the figure of the great hero of Abelkrim El Khattabi [10], while the Rifians are not secessionists , as expressed by his own daughter, the late Aicha or the Spanish historian, the late Maria Rosa de Madariaga. In short, a frontal and direct war between the armies of the two brotherly countries of Algeria and Morocco would have eminently negative consequences and unimaginable repercussions on the entire European Union, already damaged by the Ukrainian-Russian conflict!
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Ultimately, as long as you do not mobilize your respective governments and yourselves, in order to take courageous and firm measures to put an end to the madness of these Algerian generals and to stop their Machiavellian maneuvers, starting for example by boycotting the purchase of their natural gas (with which it finances Russia), and, why not, by breaking all diplomatic relations as long as they do not respect articles 1 and 2 of the Algeria-EU Association agreement as well as paragraph 7 of article 2 of the United Nations charter, the latter will hardly stop their obsessive design, that of destabilizing Tamazgha and Europe.

By Rachid RAHA, President of the World Amazigh Assembly