? Did Aban Ramadan the Kabyle Amazigh attend the World Congress of Jews in 1952 AD
A pens are written and others are crossed out, and the trace remains for the one who is closer to the truth.
The pages of the lies of God's creation,  the pages of the followers of Naima, Qaba, Khatal, Karshush, Saqlab, Khababa...etc. The owners of the Badisiya logo in November promote a picture that they claim is of the martyr hero Abban Ramadan and with him Karim Belkacem at an international conference of Jews in North Africa
 look at the picture
? Titled What does Abban do at the  June 1952 World Jewish Congress held in Algiers
? Did Aban Ramadan the Kabyle Berber attend the World Congress of Jews in 1952 AD 11045 
The pan-Arab nationalist current, the enemies of the Kabyle Amazighs, copied this image from a site called Israel Time   of times
Website link
 second link
https://www.nli.org.il/he/newspapers/inf/1952/08/15/01/article/13/?e=-------he-20--1--img- txIN%7ctxTI--------------1
Regardless of the falsity of the presence of  Abban Ramadan and  Karim Belkacem in the picture, we first start with the historical references that blow this lie to pieces.
Especially since the historical references confirmed that Abban Ramadan was previously arrested in 1950 AD and was released in the first months of 1955 AD and joined the revolution directly.
See Mohamed Harbi's book, The Algerian Revolution, The Years of   Labor ,  page 185
Mohamed Harbi  (born in 1933) is an Algerian historian who was a member of the National Liberation Front during the Algerian War of Independence. He was born   in 1933 to a wealthy family in El Harouche, Algeria
It is reported that Aban was arrested in 1950 and released in 1955 CE
picture from the book
? Did Aban Ramadan the Kabyle Berber attend the World Congress of Jews in 1952 AD 2635 
See also the book of Muhammad Abbas Historic rivalries page 132
Abban says he was arrested in the spring of 1950 AD and released in 1955 AD
? Did Aban Ramadan the Kabyle Berber attend the World Congress of Jews in 1952 AD 6278 
Another book by Mujahid bin Yusuf bin Khadda called  Abban Ramadan and bin Mahidi and their contribution to the revolution
Ben Youssef Ben Khadda  February 23, 1920 Al Buraguia February 4, 2003 Algiers, was a politician and head of the interim government.
Abban says he was arrested in the spring of 1950 AD and released in 1955 AD
picture from the book
 ? Did Aban Ramadan the Kabyle Berber attend the World Congress of Jews in 1952 AD 7265
The malicious allege the presence of Karim Belkacem and Abban Ramadan, may God have mercy on them, at the World Jewish Congress that was held in Algeria in 1952.  Here we wonder why they associate Abban Ramadan and Karim Belkacem with the Jewish Congress. The answer is clear because they come from the Kabyle Amazigh region and because they are the real leaders of the revolution who fought the fathers and grandfathers of a gang The Sectambrian Pandisia, the descendants of the Harkis and the traitors of nationalism, published that image in retaliation against those who fought their ancestors, the traitors, and for the treason and zionism of the Mujahideen of the Kabylie Amazigh region. It seems that her choice was deliberate and from the dictates of their masters abroad, as we said, to demean the region in the minds of the Algerians, and also to demean the real symbols of the November 1954 revolution, and to create ethnic and regional strife in Algeria and then enter into a civil war. O sons of the Harki, the morning, and the Maharist and the traitors, these are the treacherous Arab groups to the homeland through all eras and ages.
We challenge you all to submit a historical and academic document showing that Abban Ramadan was out of prison in 1952 AD and that he was present at the World Jewish Congress. No   , by God, you will not find this evidence until the camel goes through the tailor’s poison.
Here is the Jewish News newspaper, published on June 1952 in Algeria   . They say that all those gathered in the conference are only representatives of the Jewish communities  in North Africa, and there   is no mention of Algerian Kabyles or Muslims in the conference. This is a lie and stupidity for the enemies of the Mujahideen, Abban Ramadan and Karim Belkacem, to claim that they were Are you at the? conference
Newspaper link
Jewish Information 1952
Photo from the newspaper
? Did Aban Ramadan the Kabyle Berber attend the World Congress of Jews in 1952 AD 9159 
History is merciless... Historians carry a trust in their necks before God, the homeland, and future generations, especially if they find people lying about history and giving us a false history  for the Algerian people, and historians will be held accountable if they remain silent. Also in front of the generations..From here came the obligation for us to expose this lie that distorts our great November revolution
By enlarging the picture  and making it more clear  , you will discover that the two people in the picture do not look like the Mujahideen Karim Belkacem and Abban Ramadan. You are fighting the occupation and this is before the outbreak of the great liberation revolution 

? Did Aban Ramadan the Kabyle Berber attend the World Congress of Jews in 1952 AD 10136 
