8Essentials for cardiovascular health
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Cardiovascular diseases are now considered the number one killer of humans in the world, and the efforts of local and global health authorities have focused on improving dealing with these diseases and ensuring better safety and health of the heart and blood vessels
The American Heart Association published its updated and improved advice for the 8 Essentials of Cardiovascular Health in the medical journal Circulation on June 29, 2022
The association had put forward a new concept in 2010 in health to stimulate a new model in the medical care of cardiovascular diseases that does not depend only on the treatment of these diseases after their occurrence, but includes a more positive and effective dealing with these diseases and with human health in general, over a lifetime at the level of individuals and peoples around the world. That is, the focus is not only on treatment, but on means of prevention as well, and on the principle: An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.
Numerous public health studies have shown data on the strengths and weaknesses of this method, and it has helped to identify and quantify cardiovascular disease. Therefore, the American Heart Association assembled a team of experts to provide their opinions on developing and updating this model.
Cardiovascular Health Model
In 2010, the American Heart Association issued what it considered the Seven Essentials of Cardiovascular Health, and has now added new amendments to it, and another eighth element is adequate hours of sleep in proportion to age.
The model now considers that the eight essential components of cardiovascular health and safety are:
sport activities.
Smoking (exposure to nicotine).
sleep health.
Weight (body mass index, BMR ).
blood sugar level
The level of fats in the blood.
blood pressure level

What changes and additional elements has the expert panel ?suggested?
The age component has been expanded to include all its stages, from pregnancy to old age.
The foundations of social life and mental health were considered important components in improving and maintaining cardiovascular health.
The number of hours of sleep as an important component of cardiovascular safety was added from the age of two years. And give young and old people a full mark if they get 7-9 hours of sleep per day.
Measurements of some of the previous seven components were modified, adding higher scores for those eating a Mediterranean diet and a blood pressure control (salt reduction) diet. E-cigarette use and passive smoking have also been added to the risks of the smoking component. And developed new measurements in the control elements of sugar and lipid level in the blood.
The method of calculating the rate ranged from 0 to 100 for each of the eight elements, so that the overall rate of cardiovascular health was calculated to range from 0 to 100 as well.
An overall average score of less than 50 is considered poor for cardiovascular health, a score between 50-79 is moderate, and a score above 80 is good.
What are the goals of establishing the eight foundations of ?cardiovascular health
This program attempts to better measure changes in these factors over time, both at the level of individual health and society. By applying these calculations, it became clear that only 20% of the population of the United States of America has good health in terms of cardiovascular safety, and 60% of them got an average rate.
Researchers in this topic advised that additional studies should be conducted to reveal the best way to collect data on lifestyle, such as sleep hours and food quality, more accurately, perhaps by using electronic medical files, or wearing portable measuring sensors to know sports activity, and using sleep experts to better measure sleep hours
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The researchers emphasized that improving cardiovascular health in the community would need changes beyond individual advice, but would need to involve many levels, such as changing policies, working directly with the food industry, and catering to the community.
They also stressed the importance of social and psychological health, and the need for doctors and medical teams to follow up on these elements in their dealings with patients and disease in society.

Life's Essential 8: Updating and Enhancing the American Heart Association's Construct of Cardiovascular Health: A Presidential Advisory From the American Heart Association | Circulation (@ahajournals.org)
Bye-Bye, 'Life's Simple 7': AHA Redefines Cardiovascular Health by Adding Sleep | MedPage Today
downloadSupplement (ahajournals.org)
