Health benefits of tomatoes
 Health benefits of tomatoes 1981
Tomatoes belong to the family of plants called the conifer, and this family is also called the nightshade family, and usually produces tomatoes all year round, and although tomatoes are mostly associated with Italian and Mediterranean cuisine, it is native to the western side of South America, in the region Occupied by Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile and the western half of Bolivia, tomatoes are also believed to have been first grown in South America, but rather in Mexico, and the tomatoes made their way on European ships from Mexico to Europe, introducing this vegetable to that continent.
Most tomatoes are grown for processing into food products including tomato sauce, tomato paste, tomato juice, and canned tomatoes, as about a third of global tomato production goes into processed foods.
Tomatoes rank first in terms of total global production of vegetables, and tomatoes rank fourth on the list of vegetables most consumed in the United States (the top three are potatoes, lettuce and onions) and China, the European Union, India, the United States and Turkey are the largest producers of tomatoes in the world Mexico is the largest exporter of tomatoes in the world.
Tomatoes are available in a variety of colors, not only red, but also yellow, orange, green, purple, brown and black. However, most people consume red tomatoes and there are many subspecies of tomatoes, with different shapes and flavors

* Nutrition facts
Tomatoes are low-calorie foods, as each 100 grams of them gives 18 calories, and the water content of tomatoes is about 95%, and the other 5% consists mainly of carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals.
Carbohydrates Carbohydrates
make up 4% of raw tomatoes, and simple sugars such as glucose and fructose make up approximately 70% of the carbohydrate content.
Tomatoes are a good source of fiber
, providing about 1.5 grams per medium tomato. Most of the fiber (87%) in tomatoes is insoluble, in the form of hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin.
Vitamins and minerals
Tomatoes are a good source of many vitamins and minerals.
Vitamin C
is an essential antioxidant, and a medium-sized tomato can provide about 28% of the RDI.
An essential mineral, useful for controlling blood pressure and preventing cardiovascular disease.
Vitamin K
is important for blood clotting and bone health.
Folic acid (B9)
is a B vitamin important for normal tissue growth and cell function, and is especially important for pregnant women.
is an antioxidant that converts to vitamin A in the body.
This flavonoid is found in the peel of tomatoes, and has an important role in reducing inflammation, and protecting against various diseases.
Chlorogenic acid
is a powerful antioxidant compound, which may lower blood pressure in patients with high blood pressure.
Chlorophyll and carotenoids
are responsible for the color of tomatoes. When the ripening process begins, chlorophyll (green) breaks down and carotenoids (red) are synthesized.
Lycopene is the most abundant carotenoid in ripe tomatoes. It is a powerful antioxidant. It is found in large amounts in the skin of tomatoes. The rule of thumb is the redder the tomato, the more lycopene they contain. Tomato products, such as ketchup, tomato juice, and sauces based on Tomatoes are the richest dietary source of lycopene and provide more than 80% of dietary lycopene.
The amount of lycopene in processed tomato products is often much higher than that of fresh tomatoes, ketchup for example contains 10-14 mg/100g, but fresh tomatoes contain only 1-8 mg/100g of lycopene, and other foods in the diet It may have a strong effect on the absorption of lycopene from the digestive system. When eaten with fats, its absorption rate is increased up to 4 times. Although tomato products are higher in lycopene, it is recommended to consume fresh, whole tomatoes whenever possible.
Health Benefits of Tomatoes
Consumption of tomatoes and tomato-based products has been linked to many benefits in terms of heart disease, cancer prevention, and skin health.
Heart health
Cardiovascular disease, including heart attacks and strokes, is the most common cause of death worldwide, and a study of middle-aged men showed that low blood levels of lycopene and beta-carotene were associated with an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes. Researchers studied 21 studies on the benefits of tomatoes linked to cardiovascular disease. What they found is a repeat and significant ability that eating tomatoes leads to lower total cholesterol, lower LDL cholesterol, lower triglyceride levels, and improved response of blood vessel walls. The amount of tomatoes consumed by participants ranged in 21 Study between 70 and 400 grams per day The intake period in these studies ranged from one day to six months.
Researchers at the University of Barcelona looked at the consumption of three types of tomatoes, namely fresh tomatoes, tomato sauce prepared without olive oil, and tomato sauce prepared with olive oil, over a period of several months, and the results of the study showed that all three types of tomatoes were able to reduce inflammatory markers. Tomato sauce prepared with olive oil achieved better results, and the researchers concluded that this mixture of tomato and olive oil is likely to provide greater health benefits, especially in the field of cardiovascular health.
Cancer prevention Cancer
is a general term for the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells that spread beyond their normal limits, often invade other parts of the body.
The largest area of ​​potential health benefits from tomatoes involves the risk of cancer, and prostate cancer is the best type of cancer in relation to eating tomatoes, as eating tomatoes helps reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men, and among the main nutrients in tomatoes that have received special attention in This connection is alpha-tomatin, which studies have demonstrated ability to alter metabolic activity in developing prostate cancer cells, and there is reasonably consistent research showing the role of eating tomatoes in reducing breast and lung cancer risks.
Skin health
Foods rich in lycopene such as tomatoes are good for skin health and protect against sunburn. According to one study, there was 40% less sunburn after eating 40 grams of tomato paste (providing 16 mg of lycopene) with olive oil every day for 10 weeks.
: Although tomato allergy is rare, it often causes allergic reactions in individuals who are allergic to pollen, and this condition is called food allergy syndrome or oral allergy syndrome.
In oral allergy syndrome, the immune system attacks plant proteins, resulting in allergic reactions such as itching in the mouth and throat or swelling in the mouth or throat
?* How to choose and store tomatoes
It is preferable to choose tomatoes that have rich colors, and a deep red color is a great choice, and the tomatoes should be without any wrinkles, cracks, bruises or spots, and tomatoes bought before they are ripe enough not to be stored in the refrigerator because the cold temperature will hinder The ripening process that must occur, instead, tomatoes are stored at room temperature and away from direct exposure to sunlight for a week, and if we wish to speed up the ripening process, tomatoes can be placed in a paper bag with bananas or apples because the ethylene gas emitted from these The fruit can help speed up the ripening of tomatoes.
Tomatoes that look already ripe are recommended to be placed on the top side of the refrigerator. Tomatoes usually retain their properties for a week or more when stored in this way, and should be left after taking them out of the refrigerator for about 30 minutes, as this helps restore maximum flavor.
Whole tomatoes, chopped tomatoes and tomato sauce are well frozen for future use
* Tips for preparation and cooking
Before serving, tomatoes should be washed in cold water and left to dry, and when cooking tomatoes it is recommended to avoid cooking them in aluminum pots, as the high citrus content of tomatoes may react with the metal in the cooking utensils, and as a result, migration may occur of aluminum to food, which may not only impart an unpleasant taste, but more importantly, may lead to an unnecessary increase in some health risks.