6amazing health benefits of red cabbage
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In ancient times, cabbage was a staple food for many peoples and civilizations due to its wonderful health benefits. Unfortunately, nowadays, with more and more vegetable options, cabbage is often forgotten.

Cabbage is full of all kinds of vitamins and minerals. It's particularly rich in vitamins K, C, and B6, and it also contains an impressive amount of manganese. While green cabbage is very beneficial, red cabbage is much healthier.
Continue reading this article and discover 6 amazing health benefits of red cabbage.

1-Red cabbage is an anti-inflammatory
Inflammation can be acute or chronic. When it's severe, it's usually the body's way of repairing damaged parts of itself. But when the inflammation becomes chronic, the body's tissues are slowly damaged over a long period of time, which can eventually manifest as a chronic disease. The anthocyanins found in cabbage, especially red cabbage, reduce inflammation, which in turn helps reduce aches and pains.
Glutamine, an anti-inflammatory compound found in cabbage, is known to help reduce the effects of inflammation in conditions such as fever, skin conditions, allergies, and joint pain.
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2- Red cabbage cures stomach ulcers
Cabbage is amazing for healing stomach ulcers. The ulcer-healing ingredient in cabbage, called S-methylmethionine, helps soothe the stomach and provides relief to ulcer sufferers. Cabbage is also a great source of the amino acid L-glutamine, which helps strengthen the lining of the intestinal mucosa and increases blood flow to the stomach. L-glutamine's effects work by reducing inflammatory cytokines, helping people recover from food sensitivities, and other gut-related issues.
If you want to treat stomach ulcers, drink 1 liter of cabbage juice throughout the day for 10-13 days.
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3-Red cabbage cleanses the colon
Cabbage is a great remedy for the digestive system, and is known for its colon cleansing abilities. The high fiber and prebiotic content makes it an excellent food to help flush out toxins and support the growth of healthy intestinal bacteria. Cabbage contains insoluble fiber, which keeps the digestive system healthy by feeding the bacteria in the intestines. Insoluble fiber also adds bulk to stools and promotes regular bowel movements.

4-Red cabbage supports the nervous system
Eating red cabbage helps reduce the chances of developing dementia or Alzheimer's disease later in life, due to the protective properties of both B and K vitamins. B vitamins help nourish and support our nervous system, helping to restore nerve cells, improve blood flow to the brain and more. So. Vitamin K, found primarily in red cabbage, is involved in the production of sphingolipids, the "myelin sheath" around nerves. The myelin sheath protects our nerves from damage and decay.
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5-Red cabbage helps lower cholesterol
Cabbage can provide the body with cholesterol-lowering benefits. The soluble fiber in cabbage binds to bile acids in the digestive tract, facilitating the excretion of bile acids, thus lowering blood cholesterol levels. Cabbage also contains some plant sterols that have been shown to reduce LDL cholesterol levels. Phytosterols are plant compounds that are structurally similar to cholesterol and prevent the absorption of cholesterol in the gastrointestinal tract.
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6-Red cabbage for bone health
Cabbage is high in calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which makes it an excellent food for bones. These three essential minerals are required to maintain and support bones adequately and to help protect against conditions such as osteoporosis and bone fractures.

Source: websites