Tamazight teachers in the Quneitra Directorate record the absence of a real will to teach Tamazight
Tamazight teachers in the Quneitra Directorate record the absence of a real will to teach Tamazight 1556
Professors and professors of the Berber language in the regional directorate in Kenitra confirmed that the suffering and problems of teachers specializing in the Berber language are renewed at the beginning of each academic year as a result of the absence of a real will to correct this situation on the part of the competent authorities, and to integrate this language properly within the education and training system.
The Berber language professors in the Quneitra Directorate denounced “the ignoring and non-acceptance of some directors and inspectors of the ministerial notes organizing the teaching of the Amazigh language, especially Memorandum 130, and forcing some Berber language teachers to teach more than 8 departments assigned to them, and teaching 30 hours in a flagrant violation of Memorandum 130 ″.
The teachers also denounced, in a statement, “some principals imposing on teachers the uses of time, not pedagogical, that do not take into account neither the interests of the students, nor the rights of the teacher on the other hand,” noting “the absence of regional, regional and national cells that monitor the language teaching process.” Amazigh".
The statement recorded, "the absence of an inspector specialized in the Amazigh language who is familiar with the ministerial notes framing the teaching of the Amazigh language, and is aware of the specificity of teaching the Amazigh language, which makes some professors of the Amazigh language under the control of inspectors who have nothing to do with Amazigh."
The same source also denounced “the failure to provide classrooms for Amazigh language teachers, who are forced to roam between the double teachers’ rooms, which sometimes causes them to quarrel between them and their colleagues,” and “the absence of a textbook for the Amazigh language in the royal initiative for a million wallets.”
The same statement mentioned “the exclusion of Amazigh language professors from training,” and “the approach of randomness and revenge in new appointments. Despite the enormous shortcomings in the Amazigh language teachers in urban areas and concerned with generalization in the first place, professors are appointed in branches that often do not exceed six to seven departments, Which contradicts the framed ministerial memoranda.”
Berber teachers in the Quneitra Directorate denounced “the contempt for the teaching of the amazigh language by some directors and some fellow professors who see teaching it as a waste of time and students’ learning time, and disrupting the transitional movement in the face of the Berber language teachers.”

He called on the professors and professors of the amazigh language in the provincial directorate in Quneitra to “lift the injustice of the amazigh language professor,” and “issue clear ministerial memoranda that regulate school time and take into account the specificity of teaching the amazigh language, and take into account the working conditions of the professor specialized in primary education.”
They also demanded “the provision of didactic means for the employment of Amazigh language teachers (room, textbooks….) and the release of the transitional movement for all Amazigh language teachers, while benefiting from trainings similar to the rest of the teachers.”

Source: websites