Tamazight teachers denounce the “arbitrary and capricious measure” of the Provincial Directorate of Tiznit
Tamazight teachers denounce the “arbitrary and capricious measure” of the Provincial Directorate of Tiznit 1-138
The office of the regional branch of the regional association of teachers of the Amazigh language in Tiznit expressed its “serious concern about the disastrous conditions of the file of teaching Amazigh regionally, as a result of the random and moody management of the regional directorate in Tiznit, in the complete absence of wisdom and efficiency.”
The regional branch said in a statement, “This matter has established the logic of dealing with the Amazigh file in a negative and selective manner, which has resulted in the marginalization of the subject and the targeting of its teaching frameworks, whom the regional directorate and its interests do not hesitate to attack and punish in explicit and implicit forms, including the long-term The teacher of the Amazigh language at the Jamaat school, Abdel Moumen, in the Anzi district, is a model.
He added that “this exceptional, deteriorating situation has increased the flames of the excessive management and administrative arbitrariness of the regional directorate and its interests, which has undermined the educational system regionally, as a result of poor and poor planning, which is added to the tampering in dealing with the fabricated problems targeting the Amazigh language and culture, and the frameworks for teaching it in the region, in A flagrant and explicit violation of the contents of the country's constitution, which considers Tamazight an official language.

The office of the regional branch of the Regional Association of Teachers of the Amazigh Language in Tiznit denounced “dealing with the Amazigh language with the logic of double standards, through the issuance by the Regional Directorate of the ill-fated memorandum No. 9322 dated December 15, 2022, in which it insults the teachers of the Amazigh specialty, in the complete absence of any legal and educational justifications that prevent the teaching of Amazigh to levels without others in the primary wire.
He denounced “the behavior of the Regional Directorate in Tiznit and its desire to teach Tamazight to the lower levels in order to satisfy the thoughts of parties with which it has mutual beneficial interests that are far from educational concern.” With flimsy justifications that it devotes time to learning, and who will bear the responsibility of the students during their movement between the halls?!” According to the expression of the statement.
Tamazight teachers denounce the “arbitrary and capricious measure” of the Provincial Directorate of Tiznit 1319
The regional branch of the Regional Association of Amazigh Language Teachers in Tiznit called on the ministry to dispatch specialized central committees to investigate what the exceptional educational measure in Tiznit had resulted in fabricating problems between the bodies and settling scores with them, in light of the regional directorate’s shortcomings and weakness in creating solutions to the accumulated problems, as it is supposed to give Amazigh its place Regionally, in light of the weak and frustrating actual indicators, and in the absence of any real will to develop the teaching of the Amazigh language in terms of governance, tracking, accompaniment, accompaniment, and impact.”
He also called, through the same statement, “all struggling trade union, human rights and democratic frameworks to support the struggles of teachers and professors of the Amazigh language in order to engage in forms of protest denouncing this dire measure.”

Source : websites