Mysterious city in Antarctica
The continent of Antarctica is considered one of the most mysterious places on earth, the continent of Antarctica or the Antarctic continent, which is located in the far south of the globe, and Antarctica is the largest desert in the world with an area of ​​​​more than 13 million kilometers, in addition to that the continent of Antarctica is the coldest and driest place on Earth. face of the earth because of the lack of rainfall.
This mysterious place attracted many countries and scientific missions to discover it, and many countries, the most important of which are Russia, Germany and America, maintain centers for scientific research in Antarctica, where it is rumored that this continent is a place for many organisms, viruses and microbes that have not been discovered yet.
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Antarctica puzzle
Antarctica is the sixth continent on the planet in terms of area, and it is a semi-circular land mass with a diameter of about 45,000 km and is located below 60 degrees south latitude on the globe, so it is the coldest and driest continent ever.
It is also interesting that this continent contains the largest chain of volcanoes more than any other place on the planet, despite the extreme cold and frost that characterizes the continent of Antarctica, but under its ice layer there is a network of warm caves that are suitable for life inside.
It is rumored that the first to reach Antarctica was a Russian expedition in 1820 AD with the aim of conducting some scientific research and studying the creatures on the surface of the continent.
Germany was and still is one of the best manufacturers of water submarines, which made it easier for them to reach the continent, which was and still is unknown and mysterious, surprising the world by sending a fleet of water submarines to the Antarctic continent and building German colonies under the seas and oceans. In German, this colony still exists, which aroused the curiosity of many countries, most notably the United States of America, which was trying to spy on the Germans to find out what they were doing there.
Meanwhile, World War II ended with the defeat of Germany, which prompted America to re-send missions to the continent of Antarctica, and there they were surprised by the existence of a large human colony, as the Germans had brought more than 9,000 women, married soldiers, and had children, which surprised the Americans.
After the increase in scientific and exploratory trips to the continent of Antarctica, especially from the United States of America, which sent giant naval fleets and warplanes, headed by "Admiral Richard Byrd" to there, which prompted people to ask many questions about the feasibility of sending all these naval fleets, ships and warplanes if it was The goal is scientific studies, which led to the spread of many rumors about the existence of giant aliens on this continent, who communicate secretly with officials of the United States of America.
The United States of America sent Admiral Richard Byrd to the Antarctic continent on various missions, the most important of which was spying on the German colonies on the continent immediately after World War II, but this admiral, after a period of termination of service, came out with many controversial statements that shook the world about Antarctica and even wrote a detailed book About this mysterious continent and his travels in it, and he called it "Conqueror of the South Pole".
Admiral Richard Byrd claimed that the US fleet was attacked by many flying discs from under the waters of Antarctica and added that these discs are characterized by an imaginary speed that is impossible to keep up with. Mammoths that became extinct thousands of years ago.
The Admiral's memoirs, which he wrote during his trip to Antarctica, were marked by controversy, where he said that he had met strange beings from another planet and talked with them for hours. hollows.
There are also some rumors and theories that indicate the existence of a hidden city that was located in Antarctica, which began to appear years ago, and occupied the minds of many scientists, as some researchers claimed that the frozen continent was hosting a legendary city like Atlantis a long time ago, and that theory claims that there was An ancient civilization in Antarctica at a time when the continent was free of ice, and that ancient civilization could be Atlantis, which the Greek philosopher Plato spoke about for the first time in 360 BC, where there has been speculation for a long time about the location of the legendary lost city, which is believed to be It was near the Greek island of Santorini.
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The legendary city in Antarctica
And that secret city in Antarctica, its existence was confirmed by an old map called (Piri Reis map), compiled in 1513, which showed the coast of Antarctica hundreds of years before its discovery, but many scholars denounced this, and the matter only increased the confirmation of that theory as it was picked up. Google Earth from images that showed what appears to be a human settlement under the ice, appearing in the form of an oval (dome) up to 400 feet (121 meters), but some believe that this formation may have been the result of a natural phenomenon formed by strong winds, ice and heavy snowfall for several years. , but the strange thing is that this formation is difficult to be in an oval shape, as is evident in the picture.
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Oval shape of the human settlement under the ice Google Earth
Some also claim that Hitler and his German forces knew about the existence of traces of the lost city in Antarctica, and made it a secret Nazi base, and that the Germans claimed that Antarctica was German territory and sent an expedition there, then they mapped the area and discovered a network of rivers and caves, and they built a base It's big there, and some have assumed that base is home to the Nazis even now.

Source: websites