!!The story of the Italian city of adultery that disappeared under mysterious circumstances
!!The story of the Italian city of adultery that disappeared under mysterious circumstances 1--94
The obscene village of Pompeii, which God destroyed and made it the Roman miracle of Pompeii, is one of the Italian cities located at the foot of Mount Vesuvius, which is called the city of adultery, because of what the city’s people were known to indulge in lusts, as brothels and sexual activities abounded there.
The ancient city, which was discovered in the 18th century by an engineer during his work digging a canal in the region, is full of secrets and hidden things that remain a mystery to this day, despite the many researches conducted on it. Scientists say that a sudden volcano completely destroyed the city, until all Its residents turned into concrete corpses buried under ashes. After it was a city full of life and civilization, as its streets were paved with stones and its buildings were distinguished by the art of architecture, and it also had a developed sea port, and even theaters and markets. Researchers discovered that this city contained the largest collection of explicit sexual sculptures and wall paintings that revealed many sexual activities. Natural sex, such as having sex with animals, having sex with more than one person, or even having sex with a person of the same sex.
!!The story of the Italian city of adultery that disappeared under mysterious circumstances 1-176
These murals and sculptures were placed for a period in the National Archaeological Museum in the Italian city of Naples, but after King Francis I saw them during his visit to the region, he ordered them to be transferred to the Secret Museum, as he considered them indecent, and these murals remained hidden away for more than a century. Researchers say that the people of this city The little ones had sex openly, even in front of the children, and they also denounced those who concealed themselves.
The volcano began erupting on the afternoon of August 24, 1979, creating rising clouds that covered the sun and turned the day into complete darkness. The city's residents tried to flee, some by sea, and others took refuge in their homes for protection. That day was prepared for the feast of the Roman god of fire, and the only eyewitness, "Pliny the Younger," described the scene, saying that the clouds were rising and the volcano was spewing enormous fires, thick ash falling and accompanying tremors. And the sea level rose, or what is known today as a tsunami, and the day turned into a dark night in the city. What is strange about the city is not only its disappearance for a period of up to 1,600 years, but the way in which the people of the city itself appeared after that period,

Source: websites