?What is monkeypox? What are its symptoms? How does a person become infected, methods of prevention and treatment
?What is monkeypox? What are its symptoms? How does a person become infected, methods of prevention and treatment 237
The effects of the Corona pandemic are not over yet, let us be surprised by the emergence of another virus, so is there a possibility that we can control it before the situation worsens and spreads further.
Monkeypox, so far, about 80 confirmed cases have been announced in 11 countries, including Germany and the United Kingdom, where no cases of such a disease were expected. United States and Canada
But we will reassure you a little that we are not at the gates of a general closure to contain monkeypox.
What is monkeypox?
Monkeypox is a rare disease caused by a virus. It causes a rash and flu-like symptoms. Like the well-known virus that causes smallpox, it is classified as an orthopoxvirus.
Monkeypox was discovered in 1958 when an outbreak of a smallpox-like disease occurred in groups of monkeys used in research. Despite its name, monkeypox virus no longer comes from monkeys. Scientists aren't sure, but it's thought to be spread by small rodents and squirrels in the rainforests of Africa. There are two types (strains) of monkeypox virus - Central Africa and West Africa. Monkeypox virus in Central Africa causes more serious infections and is more likely to cause death than monkeypox virus in West Africa.
?How common is monkeypox
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Monkeypox is rare. But the number of cases in Africa is increasing. Smallpox and monkeypox are caused by similar viruses, so when people are vaccinated against smallpox, it also protects them from getting monkeypox. Since smallpox is no longer a disease and people are no longer vaccinated against it, they do not have that protection against monkeypox.

Monkeypox virus outbreak | What is monkeypox virus?

?Where else is monkeypox found
Monkeypox has been seen mostly in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. However, it is sometimes found in other countries, including the United States. In the spring of 2003, the first outbreak of monkeypox outside Africa occurred in the United States. A shipment of infected animals was imported from Ghana to Texas. Infected rodents spread the virus among domestic prairie dogs, which then infected 47 people in the Midwest. In the summer of 2021, a case of monkeypox was found in a US citizen who had traveled from Nigeria to the United States.
Who is affected by monkeypox?
Anyone can get monkeypox. However, it is more common in children. Of the cases in Africa, 90% were among children under 15 years of age.
What are the signs and symptoms of monkeypox?
Symptoms of monkeypox are similar to those of smallpox, but are milder. Early signs of monkeypox include flu-like symptoms such as:
a headache.
muscle pain;
Enlarged lymph nodes.
After one to three days, a rash with raised bumps appears. The rash often starts on your face and then spreads to other parts of your body, including the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet. The rash begins as flat, red bumps. The bumps turn into pus-filled blisters. After a few days, the blisters will peel and fall off
?How do you get monkeypox

Monkey Pox Virus | How monkey pox is it transmitted? | Symptoms and treatment of monkey pox
