Declassified NSA Document Reveals How Aliens Will Contact Us
Declassified NSA Document Reveals How Aliens Will Contact Us 1-363
We may not even need to fly to distant worlds to encounter aliens. They may try to contact us.
Statistically speaking, we are probably not alone in the universe. Given the abundance of stars that likely harbor Earth-like planets with liquid water, life, and a temperate atmosphere, extraterrestrial civilizations may have already emerged, flourished, and traveled through space. interstellar.
If so, we may not have to populate distant worlds to encounter them. They may try to contact us.
A declassified National Security Agency document shows how some of the world's top scientists believe extraterrestrial intelligence may be attempting to make contact with the human race.
With the development of man-made technologies, new ways are multiplying for an intelligent alien species to make contact with humanity across the abyssal depths.
More and more scientists agree that contact with extraterrestrial civilizations can be part of our social evolution, as natural as our accidental discovery of radioactivity or our first steps on the moon.
Declassified NSA Document Reveals How Aliens Will Contact Us 1-364
It's "no longer something beyond our dreams, but a natural event in human history that will likely occur in the lifetimes of many of us," according to a declassified article on the site. the NSA.
The Milky Way galaxy contains at least 100 billion stars. According to NASA research, there may actually be around 400 billion stars.
Periodically repeated laser pulses could be the best means of interstellar communication, as they can cover incredibly long distances.
Another method consists in moving the stars according to an easily recognizable geometric pattern which would be signaled instantaneously to any observer: Attention, this is not created by nature!
"They could build something that could be seen from a huge distance across the galaxy, or even from another galaxy, which would clearly be artificial," said astrobiologist David Grinspoon of the Planetary Science Institute.
Some astronomers believe alien megastructures in the universe could be a message that life exists there.
However, the best-known theory for megastructures is likely to be star fading rather than interstellar SOS.

Research in 2019 suggested that the "blinking" star could be caused by the destruction of an exoplanet in the foreground.
Conventional radio is reliable enough to establish interstellar contact. Radio waves have served as the primary means for scientists to listen for extraterrestrial signals for nearly a century.
Radio waves are incredibly resilient, passing unhindered through the darkest depths of the galaxy. They are reliable, although they spread slowly. Radio waves travel at the speed of light. For example, if the nearest star is more than four light years away, the response will take eight years.

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