US intelligence reveals the fact that aliens visited Earth
In what US authorities see as a potential "challenge" to national security, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence in the United States recently released a report on what military pilots had previously detected of "unidentified flying objects." What is the
? reality of this phenomenon
 US intelligence reveals the fact that aliens visited Earth 11257
What is the truth about the oval body that was spotted by the US
? military earlier
Following the detection of mysterious flying objects, a US government report revealed that defense and intelligence analysts do not have enough data to determine the nature of what military pilots have observed and to ascertain whether they are advanced technology from the planet or objects from the atmosphere or from outside the earth.
The report was recently released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence in partnership with a working group on unknown weather phenomena led by the US Navy.
The report, which has been forwarded to the US Congress and also made available to the public, addresses 144 observations of what the government officially describes as "unidentified weather phenomena" dating back to 2004.
The report considered that the phenomenon of unknown air objects "represents a problem related to aviation safety and may pose a challenge to US national security," adding that this phenomenon "may lack a single explanation."
The report described the phenomenon as it stated that “it appeared in a limited number of recorded facts that mysterious weather phenomena occur in the form of unusual flight features,” considering that these observations may be the result of sensor errors or a false perception of the observer and require additional strict analysis. Description of the report.
The report is the first official acknowledgment by the US government of seeing UFOs after decades of speculation and attraction among those who believe in the existence of UFOs, and ridicule by others who reject the idea of ​​an alien plane visiting Earth.
The former commander of the fighters in the US Navy, Alex Detrick, had previously stated that she had encountered unidentified flying objects once during her work, becoming the focus of US media attention. In press statements, Dietrich spoke about a routine training mission with the USS Nimitz off the coast of Southern California in November 2004. During the mission, another warship asked Dietrich and her then-complaint in command, pilot David Frever, to check radar communications in the area. It's going on in an inexplicable way."

Detrick recounted how they first noticed "unfamiliar wave motion on the surface of the ocean before glimpsing what they described as a smooth white oval object resembling a large tic tac taffy disk, flying at high speed over the water." Dietrich added that when her colleague Frever tried to "communicate with the body", it appeared to respond in a way we did not recognize  "as it had no visible control surfaces or means of propulsion". Despite her account of what happened, neither the commander herself considers herself a "revealer of secrets" or one of the  "passionate about UFOs," as she described it.
According to preliminary news reported by the New York Times, citing US administration officials, US intelligence officials did not find any evidence that the unknown atmospheric phenomena observed by Navy pilots in the past years were "spaceships", although these observations remain unexplained until now.
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db/khs (Reuters)