We are not alone in the universe.. Mexico reveals the bodies of “aliens.”
.. Mexico reveals the bodies of “aliens. 1971
Mexico revealed the corpses of non-human beings resembling aliens, and displayed two small coffins in the Mexican Parliament in front of representatives, experts and journalists, containing fossils of what are likely to be those of two alien creatures.
Mexican UFO specialist Jaime Mosan said, “We are not alone and it is important that we recognize these phenomena in Mexico and make our country one of the first countries to accept the presence of non-humans on our planet.”

Mosan presented these corpses of non-human beings, which are more than 1,000 years old, stressing that there is other life outside Earth and it is important to realize this and have the courage to accept it, saying, “Intelligent, non-human beings visit us and come to Earth from the depths of the universe.”

Source: websites