An archaeological researcher reveals the truth about the alleged aliens who built the pyramids
An archaeological researcher reveals the truth about the alleged aliens who built the pyramids 12490
Archaeological researcher Mirna Muhammad, a
Russian-language tour guide, revealed the truth about the alien beings who claim to have built the pyramids.
Mirna Muhammad explained that these alleged beings were presented at the FANI conference for unidentified anomalous atmospheric phenomena in Mexico, which was held on September 13, and the promoters of this case claimed that they were remains. The truth is that these characters are creations made from the remains of animals, plants and artificial materials, and have sparked anger and criticism from official authorities in Peru and Mexico, who accused the promoters of this case of manipulating public opinion and insulting the cultural heritage of local peoples.
Mirna Muhammad points out that the FANI Conference on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena is an international conference organized by the FANI Research and Communication Center in Mexico, and aims to present and discuss the latest research, testimonies and evidence on unidentified aerial phenomena, which include unidentified flying objects, mysterious sightings and paranormal experiences.
An archaeological researcher reveals the truth about the alleged aliens who built the pyramids 1-2465
She adds that the “Nazca mummies” have been uncovered, which is a group of human and animal remains found in the Nazca Desert in Peru. These remains are divided into two types: large mummies of up to 170 cm, and small human forms of up to 30 cm. The difference between them is that the mummies The large ones are real human corpses from pre-Columbian times, but they have been modified in various ways, such as amputating fingers, inserting metal, or covering them with clay or wire. As for the small human figures, they are structures assembled from animal and human bones and other materials and covered with a layer of glue, wires, and plants. .
Antiquities expert Dr. Abdul Rahim Rayhan, member of the Supreme Council of Culture, History and Antiquities Committee, points out how the world was deceived by these figures, as Mexican journalist Jaime Mosan claimed that they were the remains of alien beings. Mosan used the results of a carbon-14 dating test, which he said was conducted by the UNAM University in Mexico. To prove that these characters are about 1000 years old. He also used testimonies from other researchers, who he said studied the anatomy, genetics and radiation of these figures to show that they were not human.
UNAM denied that it had conducted any tests for these characters, and said that Musan used its logo without permission. Other researchers also denied that they had anything to do with this case, or that Musan had consulted with them. In addition, experts in anthropology, medicine, biology, and taxidermy examined these figures and confirmed that they are fake compositions of animal and plant remains. They used various methods to verify this, such as X-rays, electron microscopy, and molecular analysis. They published their results in peer-reviewed scientific journals, such as Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports1 and International Journal of Paleopathology2.
An archaeological researcher reveals the truth about the alleged aliens who built the pyramids 1-2466
UNAM denied that it had conducted any tests for these characters, and said that Musan used its logo without permission. Other researchers also denied that they had anything to do with this case, or that Musan had consulted with them. In addition, experts in anthropology, medicine, biology, and taxidermy examined these figures and confirmed that they are fake compositions of animal and plant remains. They used various methods to verify this, such as X-rays, electron microscopy, and molecular analysis. They published their results in peer-reviewed scientific journals, such as Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports1 and International Journal of Paleopathology2.
Dr. Blanca Alva, Director of the General Department of Heritage Defense of the Ministry of Culture in Peru, stated that after reviewing the mummies related to this case, it is very likely that they are not from the pre-Hispanic era and that they are not archaeological heritage.
This discovery was promoted by Mexican journalist Jaime Mosan, who, along with his partners, sought to gain money and fame by promoting these figures. They produced a documentary about this case, entitled The Mummies of Nazca3, which was promoted and sold online. They also held exhibitions and conferences to showcase these characters, and collected donations from believers in this phenomenon. They took advantage of the public’s interest in invasiveness and unidentified weather phenomena, and created great controversy. About this case.

This phenomenon sparked anger and criticism from official authorities in Peru and Mexico, which accused Mosan and his partners of manipulating public opinion and insulting the cultural heritage of local peoples. The Peruvian Ministry of Culture said that these figures represent crimes against heritage, because they use real human remains from pre-historic times. Columbus, without respect or permission, and that these figures harm the reputation of Nazca as an important archaeological site featuring unique drawings.

Source: websites