4Hostile Alien Civilizations Could Invade Earth, Researcher Says
4Hostile Alien Civilizations Could Invade Earth, Researcher Says 11754
In new work, Spanish researcher Alberto Caballero estimates that around 4 potential extraterrestrial civilizations could invade Earth in the heart of the Milky Way. But rest assured, such an event is very unlikely to occur. Explanations.

Could potential extraterrestrial life forms found in the heart of the Milky Way be animated by the project to invade our good old blue planet? In any case, this is the possibility explored by the Spanish researcher Alberto Caballero , a resident of the University of Vigo and already known for his work on the "wow signal" , a mysterious burst of radio energy first identified in 1977. .
In a new research article entitled Estimation of the prevalence of malevolent extraterrestrial civilizations , published in the journal Arxiv and not yet reviewed by his peers, the doctoral student thus estimates that no less than 4 hostile alien civilizations located in the heart of our galaxy could be tempted to launch an invasion on ?Earth. Should we start worrying now
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?Hostile alien civilizations in the Milky Way
Not really, since, as Caballero himself points out, this article is more of a "thought experiment" than real scientific research. To arrive at his conclusion, the researcher counted the number of invasions carried out on Earth between 1915 and 2022, then weighted that number by various factors to arrive at what he calls the "current human probability of an invasion of an extraterrestrial civilization. " , estimated at 0.028% .
The researcher then revised his calculation based on the decrease in invasions on Earth for fifty years, and finally estimated that this probability could drop to 0.0014% in the time that separates humanity from the possibility of carrying out voyages. interstellar, about 260 years.
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It is then by applying this possibility to the approximately 15,785 extraterrestrial civilizations potentially located in the Milky Way (a number put forward by researchers in 2012) that Caballero concluded that 4.42 alien peoples could be hostile and have technological tools. comparable to ours. In contrast, the number drops to 0.22 when evaluating the number of civilizations that are both hostile and capable of conducting interstellar travel.

As lucky as seeing an Asteroid destroy the Earth
According to Caballero, the odds of aliens wiping out humans are thus about the same as the odds of Earth being hit by a "planet-killing" asteroid, an event that occurs about once every 100 million years.
Especially since we know nothing about how life may have potentially developed elsewhere in the galaxy, as the researcher confirmed to Vice :
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"I have based this article solely on life as we know it. We do not know the mind of extraterrestrials. An extraterrestrial civilization may have a brain with a different chemical composition and may lack empathy or have more psychopathological. I found this way of doing things that has limits because we don't know what extraterrestrials would look like."

Source: websites