The amazing discovery of a workshop built by "homins"
The amazing discovery of a workshop built by "homins" 11770
Hominins were carving simple stone tools 3.3 million years ago (mussis, mendez-quintas et. al) | Source: social media
Archaeologists have discovered a group of nearly 600 obsidian axes, about 1.2 million years old, at a site in Ethiopia.
The astonishing discovery was found in an area along the Awash River in Ethiopia and is believed to have been made by a group of hominins, according to a new study published in the scientific journal Nature .
Hominins are an extinct group of the human race of which humans are the only species remaining today.
This discovery indicates that hominins were highly skilled craftsmen in order to iron obsidian.
The discovery also pushes back the time when humans were first thought to have used these tools, some 500,000 years ago.
Sapienza University archaeologist Margherita Musi, in charge of the study, said the discovery confirms that there was "a surge in the exploitation of obsidian, when hominins began to use it in new ways, producing large tools with sharp cutting edges."
The amazing discovery of a workshop built by "homins" 1-605
She added that "homins were doing much more than responding to environmental changes by developing new technologies and skills."
It is believed that hominins were carving simple stone tools 3.3 million years ago, but the use of "workshops" dedicated to making tools was not proven until the time of announcing this discovery.
Obsidian is formed from volcanic glass and is characterized by its dark color and sharp edges, but it is fragile at the same time and difficult to deal with because it can break easily.

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