Utnapishtim, who built the "Salvation Ark"
Utnapishtim, who built the "Salvation Ark" 1----463
Did you know that the first shipbuilder recorded in history was the Sumerian sage “Utnapishtim,” who built the “Salvation Ark” after being commissioned by the Sumerian god “Enki” to save plants, animals, and humans from the great flood in the Epic of Gilgamesh?
Later, the same story was mentioned in the Torah and later in the Bible and the Qur’an under the name “Noah’s Ark.” . The coming of the flood will wipe out all animals and people except those on the ark, a concept similar to the story mentioned in the Torah and the Qur’an of Noah’s Ark. After twelve days on the water, Utnapishtim opened the ship's hatch to look around and saw the slopes of Mount Nezer, where he rested his ship for seven days. On the seventh day, he sent a dove to see if the waters had receded, and the dove could find nothing but water, so it returned. Then he sent out the swallow, and just as the one before him had returned, he too returned, having found nothing. Finally, he sent out a crow, and the crow saw that the waters had receded, so he flew around, but he did not return. Then Utnapishtim released all the animals and offered a sacrifice to the gods. Then the gods came to him, because he had preserved the human seed while remaining loyal and trusting to his gods, Utnapishtim and his wife were granted immortality, as well as a place among the heavenly gods.
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His role in the Epic of Gilgamesh
In the epic, overcoming the death of his friend Enkidu, the hero Gilgamesh sets out on a series of journeys to search for his estuary ancestor Utnapishtim (Zisuthros) who was given eternal life. Utnapishtim consults Gilgamesh to give up his quest for immortality but tells him about a plant that can make him young again. Gilgamesh obtains the plant from the bottom of the sea in Dilmun (present-day Bahrain), but the snake steals it and Gilgamesh returns to his home in the city of Uruk, having given up his hope of immortality or rejuvenation.
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Life saver ship
The life-preserving ship was made of solid wood, so that the rays of Shamash (the sun) would not radiate with equal dimensions in length and width. The design of the ship was to be drawn on the ground by Enki and its frame from the ark, which was made in five days, about 200 feet in length, width and height, with a floor area of one acre. The ark had seven floors, each floor divided into nine sections. He finished the entire ark on the seventh day. The entrance to the ship was closed once everyone had boarded.

Source: websites