On International Mother Language Day.. Calls to cling to roots
On International Mother Language Day.. Calls to cling to roots 1-145
International calls to preserve the mother tongues on their international day
On the International Mother Language Day, which falls on February 21 of each year, the United Nations, represented by UNESCO, supports mother tongue education, and the main objective behind this day is to contribute to the promotion of education for global citizenship.
Many agree that the United Nations strives to preserve linguistic diversity in order to support the sustainable development goals in which governments see ways to advance the level of nations.
On the International Mother Language Day, there are many calls for preserving this historical heritage, which has contributed over centuries to keeping the cultural interdependence between peoples present and strong.
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According to the United Nations, forty percent of the world's population does not have access to education in a language they speak or understand, and linguistic diversity is under increasing threat in light of the extinction of a greater number of languages .
Experts say that the current generations must know that the mother tongues are the ones that paved the bridges of communication between peoples, until today we have reached new languages that have contributed to the invention of new technological techniques.
These new languages, in turn, constitute a pathway that can contribute to mother tongue education and aid in multilingual learning.

Observers may raise many questions about the possibility of developing mother languages to become reliable scientific research languages in the future, as was the reliance on them in the past years.

Source : websites