International Mother Language Day
International Mother Language Day 3-14
The twenty-first of February...a date that may not mean anything to many is an invitation and a reminder for each of us to stop time and reflect on the connotations and importance of commemorating International Mother Language Day, that language that we breastfed from our mothers’ breasts, that language that was spoken to us. With it, while we were helpless and weak beings, it was the language with which we used to stop shouting as soon as the mother’s voice uttered it. Some may consider the matter an exaggeration, but the matter is much more than that. Language is one of the components of human life and thought, and it is the spirit of the community that gives the latter a sense of privacy and distinction. The language of a people cannot remain alive and develop if this people does not use their mother tongue as a language. For everyday life.
The talk here is about a world whose population speaks more than six thousand languages, some of which are threatened with extinction, especially in the Middle East, in addition to Scotland, India, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, and Argentina. For reference, in past eras more than two hundred languages have been erased from the field of circulation. Thus, humanity lost entire linguistic and cultural systems as a result of some people’s rude and intolerant treatment of languages and cultures.
International Mother Language Day 3-13
The justification for celebrating this anniversary and recalling the importance of the mother language is summed up in the great importance of the mother language in building the child’s personality. The results of many studies have shown the importance of the child learning his mother tongue before starting to learn the foreign language.
Returning to our homeland, Algeria, let us ask: Why did we neglect the mother tongue of the Amazigh? In today's world, we need care and research in reviving languages and cultures that are subject to extinction and oblivion, let alone those who attempt to practice the obliteration and obliteration of a human heritage that should not be subject to narrow political calculations and varied ideological positions. It has become a duty for officials, and a necessity for those who are zealous. On the culture and diversity of this country, they must put pressure on the concerned authorities who ignore or insist on transcending this human heritage, sometimes for extremist racist or “religious” motives, or with claims of building an ethnic nationalist state at other times. In line with “International Mother Language Day” and UNESCO recommendations in this field, the authorities must, , especially institutions concerned with education, science, literature and culture, should give special importance to the mother language and its manifestations in the countries of North Africa, which is characterized by linguistic and cultural pluralism. The mother tongue in this sense will ultimately remain everyone's responsibility.
International Mother Language Day 365
The Amazigh language is your mother tongue, the language of the lands and the indigenous people. Amazigh is the only language that has withstood all the Phoenician, Punic, Greek, Roman, Vandal, and Byzantine languages, and it will withstand you until the Day of Judgment, you apes. As for your Arabic language, it is an imported language. Before it was the language of the Qur’an, it was the language of pre-Islamic poetry...the language of drusha, magic, quackery, sorcery, and ruqyah. This is its field.
Your language is used in extremist inflammatory speeches calling for hatred of peoples and declaring them as infidels, as there is no humanity in it... In Arabic, you are arrogant, beheadings, cursing women, and murdering innocents. Your language has proven its bankruptcy and failure, even in its strongholds. You rarely find a single Arab who speaks classical Arabic. Everyone speaks in different dialects, and most of them write it in Latin letters. And the elites. Educated Arabs speak foreign languages such as English and French...the academic limit is the secondary level...and rare Arabic research is presented in foreign languages...the language you are proud of has no impact in the world among does not keep pace with the times and does not keep pace with modern developments. It is neither the language of science nor technology. ..It is a bankrupt and failed language, just like its Arab people...a language of backwardness and decadence that is foreign to our Amazigh society and has no future to be hoped for..Your language, O Bedouins, will die and you will die with it...

Source: websites