A heartbreaking situation.. An American documents the painful moment of a bird snatching a baby crocodile from its mother
A heartbreaking situation.. An American documents the painful moment of a bird snatching a baby crocodile from its mother 1784
Female crocodiles have a very strong sense of motherhood, and the American wildlife photographer, Ted Roberts, documented this aspect in a moving image.
Roberts, a retired software engineer, works as a volunteer at the Orlando Wetland Park in Florida, USA.
One November day, the photographer was relaxing between the scheduled tram rides he was giving out to visitors when a great blue heron appeared with something hanging from its mouth.
A heartbreaking situation.. An American documents the painful moment of a bird snatching a baby crocodile from its mother 1-287
American photographer, Ted Roberts, documented this scene in the Orlando Wetland Park, Florida, USA.
Roberts said in an interview with CNN in Arabic: "I started filming the heron when it suddenly started walking towards me."
The bird flew towards the photographer, with the appearance of the mother crocodile, who began chasing him angrily.
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Roberts works as a volunteer in the park.
The mother was unable to save her young, as the bird flew to a far and safe place with its meal in its mouth.
But the distress that the mother felt as a result of this heartbreaking situation was clear, as the American indicated that she continued to make a lot of sounds for about a minute while she was returning to the forest excitedly.
Crocodiles protect their young from birth until they reach two years of age, and Roberts explained that this bird is considered one of the main predators for young crocodiles in wetlands.
A heartbreaking situation.. An American documents the painful moment of a bird snatching a baby crocodile from its mother 1--71
This situation was spontaneous and unplanned, and the photographer felt joy and amazement when documenting the scene with his lens.
Roberts only got interested in photography 20 years ago, when he started taking pictures while out and about with his family.
The photographer focuses on documenting wildlife and nature.

Source : websites