?What fruits should be avoided during pregnancy
?What fruits should be avoided during pregnancy 11882
Are you wondering what fruits should be avoided during pregnancy? Although it may seem unnatural, consuming certain fruits can lead to unwanted outcomes like premature labor or miscarriage.
Eating certain fruits during pregnancy can be harmful to you and your baby. While pregnancy is the time to be happy with your new baby, it is also important to take care of yourself to the fullest extent. The health of the fetus depends on your diet and lifestyle. While it is wise to add plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to your diet, remember that there are some vegetables and fruits that should be avoided during pregnancy. Most of the fruits are rich in essential nutrients that are needed during pregnancy for the healthy development of the foetus. However, some fruits affect the health of the fetus, and some may lead to miscarriage.
Wondering what fruits should be avoided during pregnancy? Read on to find out.
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It may sound strange, but it is important to avoid bananas if you suffer from conditions such as diabetes, gestational diabetes or allergies, as eating bananas can be dangerous for you and the fetus. Bananas contain a latex-like substance called chitinase, which is an allergen. Bananas are a fruit rich in sugar, so they should not be avoided during pregnancy if you suffer from diabetes.
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Although dates are packed with vitamins and other essential nutrients, they are often seen as one of the fruits that should be avoided during pregnancy. This is due to the role of dates in raising body temperature, which may also lead to uterine contractions. It is okay to take one or two pills a day, but it is not recommended to exceed this amount.
3- Berries
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It is wise to avoid berries during pregnancy. You can eat fresh berries in moderate quantity, as berries lose their taste and nutrients after being frozen for a long time. It can also be harmful to your health and the health of your baby.
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Although papaya is rich in essential nutrients that play an important role in your overall nutrition. But it is one of the foods that should be avoided during pregnancy, because it can raise your body temperature, which may harm you as well as the fetus. This fruit is full of latex, which can cause uterine contractions and may lead to bleeding. In extreme cases, this latex can also lead to miscarriage.
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Pineapple is rich in the enzyme bromelain, which plays a major role in breaking down protein. The presence of this enzyme during pregnancy can affect the cervix and trigger premature labor, often resulting in miscarriage.
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Watermelon is considered healthy for the human body because it absorbs and expels all toxins from the body. However, the same function of watermelon can be risky during pregnancy because the toxins that the fruit gets rid of can affect your baby. Besides, excess consumption of this sugar-rich fruit can lead to high blood sugar levels. Moreover, due to its diuretic properties, watermelon may also flush out essential nutrients along with toxins from the body.

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