??Delayed speech in children: What are the most important reasons?? What are the treatment methods
??Delayed speech in children: What are the most important reasons?? What are the treatment methods 1-2090
It is a common idea that the child of the talkative mother has a diverse vocabulary that exceeds the number of the vocabulary of the child of the quiet mother, but that he speaks faster than him, as well as scientists confirm that the child's understanding of the meaning of words is more important than the speech itself. It is that they deal with you easily, and that is why they warn against the mother’s attempt to teach her child to imitate the sound of words without understanding their meanings or intended ones, because he is not a parrot.
The first sounds the infant utters are screams, then babbles, then hums, then sounds, syllables and words come out in the first year. Our role as parents is to develop speech and provide the linguistic outcome for it. Il faut donc éviter tout ce qui perturbe cette tâche et tout ce qui retarderait la prononciation et la parole chez notre enfant, et assurer une augmentation de la parole, de l'expression et de la richesse linguistique.

Raisons du retard d'élocution chez les enfants
Regarder la télévision pendant de longues heures, en particulier les chaînes qui prennent le caractère de chansons et de musique forte, fait de l'enfant un récepteur passif qui ne se soucie que de la musique et des mouvements et ne l'oblige pas à initier la parole.
Répéter les mauvais mots prononcés par l'enfant et ne pas les corriger fait que l'enfant entend encore et encore les mauvais mots et continue de les répéter mal.
Introduire plus d'une langue à l'enfant de manière aléatoire, irrégulière et à un très jeune âge, ce qui rend l'enfant dispersé entre les langues et incapable de construire un système linguistique adéquat et une grammaire solide pour chaque langue séparément.
Excessive pampering of the child and responding to his requests by simply indicating them makes him dependent, even in his speech, and he does not have to think or memorize the names of even his basic needs.
??Delayed speech in children: What are the most important reasons?? What are the treatment methods 12346
Not integrating him with children outside the home out of fear for himself, especially when there are no siblings or related children, which makes the child withdrawn and unwilling to speak.
Not communicating with the child since the first months, thinking that he does not understand our words and does not store enough linguistic knowledge to begin speaking at the age of one year.
Indifference to the issue of hearing, as there are signs that alert us to the presence of a hearing problem, such as approaching the person speaking, or looking at the movement of his lips until he understands the words, or his lack of response when called to him from another room. It makes the child lose a lot of sounds and not fully understand speech. One of the most important tips to avoid this problem is to read stories to our children, build a dialogue with them from the age of infancy, and give complete, simple, and clear sentences so that the child understands speech, acquires it properly, and develops with him as he ages...
??Delayed speech in children: What are the most important reasons?? What are the treatment methods 1-2091
Practical tips and methods to help your children speak correctly:
Talk frequently to the child whenever possible and directly. Look at him as you speak to him, and let him see your faces and gestures to understand their meaning.
Try to match what you say with your facial expressions.
Let him see what you mean by agreeing between what you do and what you say, so if you say - for example - hold the pen, "do it at the same time, and if you say," now take off your shoes," you also take them off, and so on.
??Delayed speech in children: What are the most important reasons?? What are the treatment methods 1--975
Help him to know that speech is a means of communication. If you talk to yourself in front of him without waiting for a reaction or response, he may feel that the words have no meaning.
If you like to listen to the radio all day, try to set it to music that you are not really listening to, and if you listen to the radio, let it see that you are receiving a meaningful voice from a speaker who may not see it.
Be an interpreter for your child, and you will find it much easier to understand your child's language than any stranger.
Help him understand compound words that come at once expressing a meaning or action. By imitating this action in front of him. For example, if you were putting some food in, prepare his stomach, then dress him in a food apron, then extend your hands to him and say to him: “It is time to eat.”

Help him understand, not just speak, as this helps him develop further, because if he understands, he interacts, and so speech inevitably results.

Source: websites