Do you like chewing gum? Here are its top 5 benefits
Do you like chewing gum? Here are its top 5 benefits 1--564
Aside from keeping your breath fresh, did you know that there are many different benefits of chewing gum? Research shows that chewing gum can help improve digestion, stress, and even brain function.
Here are the five main benefits of chewing gum.

1-Enhance brain function
Numerous studies have found that one of the main benefits of chewing gum is helping you focus more, as well as improving various aspects of brain function, including alertness, memory, comprehension, and decision-making.
Do you like chewing gum? Here are its top 5 benefits 1-1268
2-Reducing stress
Another benefit of chewing gum is that it can reduce stress due to the chewing process, as it allows your mind to focus on chewing, rather than overthinking something. This is said to happen because chewing is directly linked to lower levels of the stress hormone, cortisol.
Do you like chewing gum? Here are its top 5 benefits 1-1269
3-Limit snacking
Another benefit of chewing gum can be a useful tool for curbing food cravings as it allows you to satisfy your cravings especially for sweets without consuming any extra calories. Chewing gum can reduce food cravings, thus preventing you from overeating or snacking, which is one of the main causes of weight gain. Although it won't help you shed any weight on its own, there is also some evidence that chewing gum increases your metabolism, which prevents you from gaining weight.

4-Prevention of tooth decay
Eating some types of gum is good for your teeth, especially the sugar-free ones. Many studies have found that gum sweetened with a sugar substitute, such as xylitol, is more effective than other sugar-free gums in preventing tooth decay. This is because xylitol prevents the growth of bacteria that cause tooth decay and bad breath.
Do you like chewing gum? Here are its top 5 benefits 11911
5-Stimulate saliva production
Another benefit of chewing gum is that it helps increase saliva flow, as it helps stimulate the glands to produce more saliva. This is a great way to wash away any leftover food and remove bacteria from your mouth that have built up throughout the day.

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