The strangest and rarest archaeological discoveries in history that have become a puzzle for scientists
Despite the amazing technological development, these amazing archaeological discoveries have puzzled experts
These archaeological discoveries have left experts confused. Artifacts left behind by the ancients often tell us an insight into ancient human history. We know that humans have been around for more or less 3 million years. Over the course of hundreds or even thousands of years, they adapted and built settlements, learned writing, how to sculpt and make antiquities.
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All the items left behind tell a story, and sometimes it takes scientists years of research to decipher the language or origin of the artifact. This is what makes them so important. However, it is not easy to decipher every artifact. With so few records from certain time periods, it is not always easy to discern the source of the ancient artifacts.
Even in the age of technology, archaeologists still find unfathomable monuments or make historians rethink our history. Check out some of the puzzling discoveries that left scientists confused and wondering what exactly these artifacts are and where they came from, and how to believe this amount of science and progress among the ancients, despite the scarcity of what was available at the time in those ancient time periods.
Demons' Bible:
This bible for demons has over 130 animal skin pages decorated with writing, pictures and a large picture of the devil. While historians cannot explain why it was written, they have maintained that the book was written in the thirteenth century by a single individual and should have taken over 30 years to complete.
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The image of Satan in the Bible is so disturbing that over the centuries many have flocked to see the giant book.
Antikythera Mechanism:
This highly advanced artifact was unearthed when divers were exploring the wreck of an ancient cargo ship, the Anticathera mechanism is at least 2,000 years old and made of bronze. The Antikythera mechanism contains a series of intricate gears which is evidence that ancient civilizations were much more advanced than we first thought.
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Scientists don't know why the Antikythera mechanism was used or how it was made, but they believe the device may have been an astronomical calendar used for navigation. While some conspiracy theorists believe the device was left by aliens, scientists suspect the device was made by the ancient Greeks, although they can't be certain.
Parthian battery:
This precious and amazing ancient artifact consists of a copper pipe, a ceramic bowl and an iron rod. The battery was found at an ancient excavation site in Iraq and dates back to 150 BC.
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Scholars claim that the Baghdad battery or the Parthian battery was used either to electroplate objects or to act as a battery. But what makes this so strange, is that electroplating and batteries are modern inventions, so how did our ancient ancestors know about them? Some researchers describe the "Baghdad battery" as the most mysterious and therefore many legends and imaginary explanations have been woven around it, among them that visitors from outer space brought it with them to the region and left it there because of its scientific value and the extent of its development.
The oldest leather shoes in the world:
Around 3500 B.C., ancient people who lived in what is now Armenia began making shoes out of leather, a team of archaeologists led by Diana Zardarian unearthed what is now the world's oldest leather shoe.
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This shoe has been preserved inside the cave, and as you can see, it has intact laces and is made of cowhide.
Demon Grimoire:
The Demon Grimoire, also known as the Grand Grimoire, is an ancient book about magic and demons that has been secretly reproduced and printed over the centuries, and no one knows who wrote the original book or where it came from, but since its discovery many copies have been made of it.
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Early copies of this ancient text date back to the 15th century AD. The book contains spells, descriptions of demons, and demon summoning rituals. However, why was it written and where did the information come from, but the book can be considered one of the most dangerous books in the world.
Nebra Sky Tablet:
This 36,000-year-old bronze disc was unearthed in the middle of an ancient burial mound in Germany in 1999. Since then experts aren't quite sure how it was made. It is clear that the disk exhibits some kind of cosmic phenomenon, but experts cannot be sure of which one exactly.
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What we do know is that the disc shows that the ancients knew more about astronomy than we originally thought and that their beliefs about astronomy were intertwined with their religious beliefs.
Longyou Caves:
The Longyou Grottoes comprise 24 artificially carved caves located in China and discovered in 1992. Carved in sandstone 2,000 years ago, their creators have left no idea why the caves were built, and historians can't figure out how ancient engineers were able to remove all the rocks without the caves collapsing .
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With a carving technique that has been around for 2,000 years, these caves were supposed to be impossible and yet they still exist today!
First painting of Jesus:
Deep in the ruins of a Byzantine-era church, Israeli scholars have discovered a previously unknown painting of Jesus on the church wall. The paint in the painting dates back 1,500 years and is a rare and unique example of early Christian depiction of Christ.
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The picture was painted over what was once a baptismal font and showed Christ at his baptism. What's surprising about this picture is how different it is from our understanding of what Christ looked like. Instead of a beard and long hair, the image shows Christ with short curly hair and a shaven face.
Gobekli Tepe:
Turkey has some amazing archaeological sites that have turned the history of the region upside down. One such site is Gobekli Tepe where archaeologists accidentally found a religious complex buried underground. The site includes large columns positioned similarly to those at Stonehenge, massive carvings in the shape of stone animals, and rectangular rooms. Even more confusing about the site is that it dates back nearly 11,000 years at the end of the Stone Age, long before humans could build such a structure.
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This wasn't the only confusing thing because the stone carvings show animals found in Africa and Australia, far from the Turkish site. Historians are now studying the site to see how our Stone Age ancestors were able to build such a structure, but no one can explain how they managed to carve out animals that lived thousands of miles away on different continents.
Dead Sea Treasure Copper Scroll:
The Dead Sea scrolls are very famous, but one of the scrolls found in a cave near Qumran really impressed archaeologists, unlike the Dead Sea papyrus scrolls, this scroll was carved on a thin copper piece of paper and then carefully wrapped. Scientists cannot discover how the ancients who wrote this scroll were able to make thin metal into such a thin and perfect sheet. The scroll consists of two parts and is approximately 8 feet long.
The Dead Sea Copper Scroll is most remarkable for what is written on it. The scroll is carefully carved in copper and a treasure map that lists the locations of the caches of gold and silver coins. The coins were said to have been buried by fleeing Hebrews who had been expelled by the ancient Romans from Jerusalem. If such a treasure existed, today it would be worth hundreds of millions of dollars. So far only 2 hidden coins have been found.
Piri Reis Map:
This incredibly accurate and detailed map was created by the Ottoman cartographer Piri Reis and completed in 1513, long before the age of global exploration. The map shows yet-to-be-discovered sites as well as the mountain ranges in Antarctica that have been covered in ice for thousands of years.
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While there are a lot of wild theories explaining the Piri Reis map, to this day, historians cannot explain how Reis was able to draw such a map.
The Great Wall of Jordan:
From the ground, this ancient stone wall looks nothing more than a group of rocks strewn across the desert floor. However, in 1948, pilots who flew over the area immediately realized that those scattered boulders had once formed a massive wall that cut 150 kilometers (or 93 miles) across the Jordanian landscape.
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We don't know why the wall was built or who was supposed to stay in or out, and the civilization that built it long gone.
Oldest Viking sword:
This eight-year-old would never have guessed that she would make such a discovery as she enjoyed a family day out. The Swedish-American girl swimming in her local lake noticed something hidden in the depths and wanted to explore it. Seeking to reach what she thought was a wand, the girl called out to her father and said, "Dad, I've found a sword!" The sword dates back to the 5th or 6th century, pre-Viking era.
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One expert explained that the sword “is about 85 cm long, and there is also wood and metal preserved around it. We are very keen to see the conservation staff do their work and see more details of the sword.” The sword proves that the age of the Vikings began much earlier than initially thought.
Ashurbanipal Royal Library:
The discovery of these ancient clay tablets tells the story of the ancient civilizations that lived in and around Mesopotamia. It was believed that the histories and information of these people who lived and were once great were lost, until hundreds of tablets that make up the Royal Library were found. British scientists discovered these tablets in the 1850s, dating back to the seventh century BC and were discovered in old palace.
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The writing on tablets varies with some historical details being shared, some containing legal information and some being literary works and religious texts. Without these wonderful tablets, we would not have known that these great civilizations existed in what is today modern-day Iraq One of the clay tablets that included the Epic of Gilgamesh, a story that would have been lost forever.