6ways to make sure he's a traitor
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Are you worried that your partner is cheating on you but you don't have any hard evidence? There are common signs of cheating behaviors and these may include changes in mood, placing less importance on the relationship, or spending more time with friends.
Because every relationship is different, it is natural that the rules regarding infidelity and the ways to deal with it also differ, however, the signs that may indicate that your partner is cheating on you are similar. You cannot ignore these signs.
Here are 10 signs that your partner is cheating on you:
1. Dramatic changes in communication
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It is normal for all of us to get busy from time to time and forget to connect with our partner. Eventually, the change in communication begins to take on a different tone as lack of communication becomes a real problem.
2. Not caring about you
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Your partner's lack of interest in you may be due to life stressors such as the demands of work or feeling overwhelmed. In addition, at the beginning of a relationship, the level of interest may be different. But when you start to notice a pattern of this behavior, it could be a sign of infidelity.
3. His routine has changed
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We all have routines that we maintain to create the lifestyle we want. When his routine is constantly changing, it's only natural to stop and wonder what's going on. Sometimes the changes are subtle, so they may not be noticeable at first, but when these changes become permanent, it's a clear sign that his life is completely changing. Be careful!!!
4. He cares a lot about his appearance
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Most people focus on some form of self-care such as engaging in physical activity at the beginning of the year or as the summer months approach. This is understandable. But, if your partner is suddenly dressing differently and paying more attention to their appearance, it may be time to question or consider these behaviors.
5. He criticizes you more and more
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We all have quirks that need work, but when your boyfriend starts criticizing things that weren't annoying before, it could indicate that he's cheating on you. The partner is always powerless when compared to the "other person" who can do no wrong at this time.
6. He refuses to be outside with you
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Do you ever feel like it seems far away? When you ask this question, does he get defensive or deny that he is like that? We can tell when our partner is starting to distance themselves. Of course, this could be due to work or family stress. But when he constantly refuses to go out with you, that is also a sign that he is cheating on you.

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