Traitor to his country
Traitor to his country 1-985
Napoleon invaded Europe, and his armies reached the borders of Austria in 1809, but the Austrian army defeated him in the Battle of Aspern. When Napoleon felt broken as a result of his loss in the Battle of Aspern, he asked his officers to make the battle an intelligence operation, and his officers began searching for an Austrian spy to help them enter Austria through a weak point in the army.
After a lot of effort and effort, they found an Austrian man who was working as a smuggler between the borders, and they agreed with him on a sum of money if they benefited from his information. The traitor showed them to a mountainous area where there was an old Austrian army, since the area was almost insurmountable.
Indeed, the French army was able to storm and occupy the region. After the situation stabilized for France, the Austrian traitor came to meet Napoleon Bonaparte. They brought him before the Emperor, and he was sitting in a large hall. As soon as Napoleon saw that Austrian spy, he threw him a fistful of money in a bundle on the ground to take as the price for his betrayal and his fees.
The spy said: Great sir, I am honored to shake hands with a great leader like you. Napoleon replied: As for me, I do not have the honor to shake hands with a traitor to his country like you. The spy left, and Napoleon spit on him behind his back. The senior leaders were sitting with him, and they were amazed at Napoleon's dealings with the spy, despite the importance of the news he conveyed to them, which was the reason for their victory.
They asked him why, and Napoleon answered with one of the most wonderful phrases in modern history about traitor and betrayal. What did he say?
“A traitor to his country is like a thief who steals his father’s money to feed the thieves. His father does not forgive him, nor do the thieves thank him.”
This phrase sums up the reality of many today who serve the occupation or coordinate with it.

Source: websites