Ranking of the most powerful countries in the world in 2023
Ranking of the most powerful countries in the world in 2023 12631
The United States, China and Russia remain undisputed as the world's most powerful countries in 2023, according to this year's global power rankings, published by US News & World Report.
The rankings, part of the Best Countries study, polled 17,000 people about their thoughts on 87 different countries.
The rating assesses a country's influence based on participants' perceptions of factors such as political, economic, and military power.
Here is the ranking of the 10 most powerful countries in the world:
10. United Arab Emirates
Ranking of the most powerful countries in the world in 2023 1-2837
US News magazine noted that the discovery of oil in the Emirates in the mid-twentieth century led to a rapid transformation of its economy.
She added that the UAE's per capita GDP is now comparable to its counterpart in major Western European countries.
The report indicated that the UAE has the most competitive economy in the Arab world, according to the World Economic Forum.
But the UAE fell one place from last year’s ranking, in favor of its neighbor Saudi Arabia.
9. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ranking of the most powerful countries in the world in 2023 1-2838
The magazine indicated that Saudi Arabia is the largest oil supplier in the world, representing an estimated quarter of the world’s oil supplies.
She added that the country is a founding member of OPEC and a member of the World Trade Organization in addition to other international bodies.
The report indicated that millions of Muslims from all over the world perform the Hajj to Mecca every year.
Saudi Arabia advanced two places compared to last year, when it ranked 11th, with special attention paid to its economic and political influence.
8. Japan
Ranking of the most powerful countries in the world in 2023 1--1400
The magazine described Japan as one of the world's "most literate and technologically advanced countries."
She pointed out that the country has the third largest economy in the world, and is among the largest producers of cars, electronic equipment and steel in the world.
Japan's economic influence was the fourth highest in the world, according to those surveyed.
Its ranking has not changed from last year.
7. France
Ranking of the most powerful countries in the world in 2023 1--1401
The magazine indicated that the French economy is among the strongest economies in the world, with tourism playing a major role.
She also said that France is one of the most visited countries on Earth and is one of the world's largest arms exporters.
The magazine said, "France is one of the oldest countries in the world, and its influence extends to all parts of the world through science, politics, economics, and perhaps above all, culture."
Its strong international alliances and economic influence were key to its power ranking, which remained unchanged in 2022.
6. South Korea
Ranking of the most powerful countries in the world in 2023 1---556
The magazine referred to South Korea's military strength and its strong exports.
The country is a member of several international organizations, including the United Nations, the G20, the World Trade Organization and the ASEAN Regional Forum.
The magazine said that South Korea has "one of the largest gross national savings and foreign investment reserves in the world," while also highlighting its huge exports of cars and technology, as the country is home to the headquarters of Samsung, Hyundai and Kia.
The magazine described South Korea's high-tech and service-based economy as a "success story for foreign investment" and said it was now one of the largest economies in the world.
5. United Kingdom
Ranking of the most powerful countries in the world in 2023 1---557
The magazine said that the United Kingdom has strong global influence due in part to its past, when it controlled the British Empire.
It described the UK as "a highly developed country that exercises significant international economic, political, scientific and cultural influence".
She also described London as a "major international financial centre, and one of the most visited cities in the world", and noted that the UK has many of the world's best universities.
The UK is also a member of the World Trade Organization, the G20, NATO and the World Bank, and is a permanent member of the UN Security Council, but US News also said its “role on the global stage faces new questions” since it left the EU.
4. Germany
Ranking of the most powerful countries in the world in 2023 1----418
The magazine pointed to Germany's strong international alliances and its economic influence in its high-ranking position, which is the same position it occupied in last year's classification.
She pointed out that Germany is “the most populous country in the European Union” and “possesses one of the largest economies in the world,” as Germany is one of the largest importers and exporters on the planet.
The country borders nine other countries and is part of major international organizations, including the United Nations, the European Union, NATO and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
The magazine said Germany was also home to "some of the world's leading figures in the natural and social sciences, as well as the arts," and also had a "rich and highly skilled workforce." But it noted that the country had some problems such as an aging population.
3. Russia
Ranking of the most powerful countries in the world in 2023 1----419
Russia maintained its third place in the global power rankings despite its suffering in a war with Ukraine, which began in February 2022, which led to the country’s increasing isolation.
The magazine said that some of Russia's strength comes from its huge size, which is "difficult to imagine," as Russia is the largest country in the world in terms of area.
Its position is also enhanced because it shares borders with many countries, as well as maritime borders with Japan and the United States.
The magazine pointed to Russia's major industries such as oil and natural gas production, agriculture, fishing, and manufacturing, as well as the country's history as a major exporter of weapons.
The report also noted Russia's contributions to culture through its many famous authors, and to science through its history of space exploration.
Russia is also a member of major international organizations such as the G20 and the World Trade Organization, as well as being a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. Although it threatened to withdraw from some of them.
2. China
Ranking of the most powerful countries in the world in 2023 1----420
The magazine pointed out how China is considered the second largest country in the world in terms of area, and has the second largest economy in the world.
She said that China has become one of the fastest growing major economies in the world since the reforms in 1978, and it is known that its rapid economic growth has helped lift millions of people out of poverty.
But this growth has caused problems, the report noted, including growing inequality and pollution in the country and growing tensions with some other major countries such as the United States, which is critical of its human rights record.
China possesses nuclear weapons and is a member of major international organizations such as the World Trade Organization and the United Nations Security Council, which enhances its power rating.
1. The United States
Ranking of the most powerful countries in the world in 2023 1----421
The magazine described the United States as the “dominant global power” and kept the country at the top of the power rankings.
The report indicated that the United States has the largest economy in the world in terms of gross domestic product ($25.5 trillion), and that it is also the “most technologically powerful” country in the world.
The magazine explained that the United States is the largest producer of oil and natural gas in the world, as well as possessing the largest coal reserves in the world.
The report also noted the country's huge media industry with "global influence", its "significant exports" around the world, being home to many of the world's best universities, and its leading role in international organizations such as the United Nations and NATO.
But he also pointed to some "internal conflicts" in the United States, including polarized politics, gun deaths, racial tensions, and income inequality.

Source: websites