What Voltaire said about the first university in history is ambiguous
What Voltaire said about the first university in history is ambiguous 1-2861
« Madura was built on the authority of the Roman Empire [indicating its independence from Rome] and is an important commercial city, but even more important in literature. It witnessed the birth of Avolaye and Maxime, as well as Augustin, who was educated in Mdarouche, and Maxime was his teacher and friend. It is a sad note, which has inevitably been mentioned, that this part of Africa gave birth to the greats, and which, since Atlas, was the first philosophical school! It is no longer known except for its pirates” (as the French see them)
Written in 1766 AD.
What Voltaire said about the first university in history is ambiguous 1----80
It is noteworthy that the University of Madour in the state of Souk Ahras (Tagast), eastern Algeria, is located in the city of Madarouch, about 50 km south of the state capital. Historical accounts mention that the university was a destination for scholars and thinkers, and that Saint Augustine gave his courses and teachings at this university, and in this city that was founded by the Numidian king. Syphax wrote Lucius Opolis (125-170 AD), the first novel in the history of humanity, “The Golden Ass.”

Source: websites