The history of religions between truth and illusions
The history of religions between truth and illusions 1-2917
There are intense debates among historians and researchers about the date of the beginning of the emergence of religion and its impact on human life - one group notes that the signs of religion - appeared in the late era of Homo erectus {{Homo erectus}}, ranging between [[700 / 600]] approximately one thousand years ago - they are the first Who buried the dead - {{burying the dead}} is considered an element of religion - this opinion is not based on scientific evidence and proofs {{archology}} are merely impressions and speculations of some historians that are not clearly defined - while the second group indicates that religion came with the intermediate Homo Neanderthal { {Neanderthal Man}}, which dates back between [[300 / 200]] thousand years - is contemporary with Homo sapiens {{Homo sapiens}}, which appeared [[300]] thousand years ago in Morocco {{Jebel Irhoud}}
Some historians say that Neanderthals were the first to bury their dead {{and burying the dead}} is very weak and unconvincing evidence of the signs of the emergence of religion - In one of the articles I pointed out a point related to the Naledi man {{Homo naledi}} They also were burying their dead, according to my opinion, a section of Historians - all of these opinions and readings are inaccurate, just guesses and interpretations far from the truth - and are not based on scientific facts and evidence......Continuation.......?

Source: websites