Tamazight and the alienated
Tamazight and the alienated 2-229
In the dark alleys of social networking sites, in the paths of Facebook and the mazes of Tiktok, and at the head of every closed alley, groups of alienated people who want to become Arabs, despite the Arabs’ will, lurk behind everyone who begs to speak in Amazigh or about the Amazigh language.
They hide behind the masks of Arabism at times, and religion at times, and they do not dare to reveal their faces or identities. They brandish their rusty swords in the face of everyone who enters Facebook or Tiktok carrying a torch of enlightenment. They do not hesitate to attack him, so they draw their swords that have not been sharpened since they inherited them from them. Lawrence of Arabia, Shakib Arslan, Michel Aflaq, Boumediene, Saddam, and Gaddafi, and it remained hidden in the boxes of Arab nationalism, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Salafism, and is only extracted in the face of the Amazigh language.
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Because they have not studied military tactics, nor experienced or fought battles, they attack randomly and attack without order and with outdated weapons that only result in defeats. Whenever they are defeated, they return to the dark corners and hide, to dig deep within themselves for the finest methods of belittling, trivializing and belittling those they see as an adversary or enemy. Or they invoke the contradictions of Jarir, Al-Farazdaq, and Al-Akhtal and choose from them methods of insults and insults that are appropriate for the situation.
Despite what the countries of North Africa have accumulated in favor of the language and culture of the land and man, i.e. Amazigh, and despite what science reveals every day of terrifying facts for all the alienated people proving that the origin of the rational person is Morocco, the alienated people, who are sick of souls, insist on pursuing the defenders of the Amazigh language so that it obtains all its rights, but Unfortunately, they suffer defeat after defeat. Simply because they are armed only with myth, illusion, and legend, and they do not make any effort in solid scientific research, because if they did, they would accept the truth.
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Most of those who criticize Amazigh today in all its manifestations do not have the means to discuss it. They are slaves to the clichés of the past, during which parties sought to establish an Arab homeland from the ocean to the Gulf, eliminating all the original and real languages, cultures and civilizations of these regions in order to establish on their ruins and on paper only a civilization, culture and language that does not exist. In these regions, it is only in imagination, as the land of North Africa is a land whose people only speak Amazigh and the variants that contributed to its establishment, such as Dwarij and Hassaniya.
Classical Arabic is only present in the administration and the mosque, and Amazigh is a language like all natural languages, a living language throughout North Africa, spoken by people in different variations, primarily phonetically and lexically to a lesser extent. It has its own unified morphological and syntactic system despite the vastness of the area it covers, and its speakers invented it centuries ago. Like all human groups, there was an alphabetic system that befits their language and accommodates its sounds, called Tifinagh. Scientific discoveries prove day after day that whoever created it was older than the Yemeni human being. Science proves every day that it has no relation to either a Musnad or a non-Musnad, and whoever claims Tifinagh’s relationship to the Musnad or The Phoenician alphabet has to be proven by science, and that Tifinagh is not a language, but rather symbols and a writing system that has continued to develop, as all alphabets in the world do.
Tamazight and the alienated 13--22
Al-Tayeb Amkrod
Those who criticize the Amazigh language today, twenty-three years after the state reconciled with it, twenty-one years after starting to teach it, and thirteen years after it was constitutionally demarcated, do so for reasons of ignorance of it or to serve a political agenda. All those who criticize it do not speak it or they do so. To serve a political project that is incompatible with its existence, knowing that honorable Moroccans consider the Amazigh language, even though they do not speak it today, an integral part of them.

Source: websites