4effective natural remedies to relieve osteoarthritis
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Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be a solution to relieve pain related to osteoarthritis. But these prescriptions are not without side effects. Here are 4 natural remedies, without side effects, to relieve osteoarthritis.
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4effective natural remedies to relieve osteoarthritis
Joint pathology due to the progressive destruction of the cartilage which surrounds the ends of the bones , osteoarthritis can be painful. To relieve it, certain natural remedies can be an interesting alternative to anti-inflammatories. Essential oils , plants, physical activity or food supplements , find out what the remedies are.
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Osteoarthritis, what exactly is it? Definition
Osteoarthritis is a disease caused by the degeneration of the cartilage that surrounds the ends of bones. This wear of the cartilages leads to their total destruction and therefore to damage to the bone that the cartilage protected. This results in joint pain , joint stiffness and, sometimes, swelling in the affected joint. Any joint in the body can be affected. But it is those of the hips, knees and spine which are most frequently affected, due to the pressure they undergo. This joint pathology is very widespread since it affects 10 million French people, according to the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm) . Still according to this same source, the most important risk factors for osteoarthritis are age, excessive pressure on the joints (overweight, carrying loads, intensive sport), metabolic diseases ( diabetes , hypertension , etc.) and family or traumatic history. The Canadian Arthritis Society specifies the drug treatments prescribed for osteoarthritis: these are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and, in cases of insufficient effectiveness, corticosteroids, which are drug treatments with notable side effects. Hence the interest in alternative solutions represented by natural remedies.
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4natural remedies for osteoarthritis
Plants with anti-inflammatory properties
Certain plants are praised for their anti-inflammatory properties . They can help soothe joint inflammation and associated pain if you suffer from osteoarthritis. Among these natural remedies for osteoarthritis which are available in herbal medicine , we find white willow, popular for its richness in salicylin, a substance which in the body is transformed into salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is both an anti-inflammatory and an analgesic. Other plants useful for osteoarthritis are devil's claw (harpagophytum), dioecious nettle leaves, blackcurrant, meadowsweet and rosemary.
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Eucalyptus, Wintergreen… certain essential oils for external use
Essential oils can be a natural alternative to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories. However, they are not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women: therefore ask your pharmacist for advice before using them. Essential oils with anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties include wintergreen essential oil and lemon eucalyptus essential oil. These essential oils are intended for external use, in the form of massage oil for the inflamed area. Essential oils must have been diluted in vegetable oil (olive, avocado, etc.) for better penetration. It is recommended to dilute 20 to 30 drops of essential oil in 500 ml of vegetable oil and massage the joint for around ten minutes. The essential oils of ginger and rosemary are also beneficial in cases of osteoarthritis.
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?Avocado oil, soybean oil, omega-3… what food supplements to relieve osteoarthritis
Certain food supplements have been put forward in the case of the natural treatment of osteoarthritis. However, due to their possible interactions with other pathologies (type 2 diabetes, obesity, depression, bipolar disorders, etc.), it is advisable to seek the advice of your doctor before using them for your osteoarthritis. On the one hand, there are preventive food supplements, whose action is to prevent the wear and tear of cartilage, such as chondroitin sulfate or glucosamine capsules. On the other hand, you have food supplements intended to fight inflammation, such as avocado oil, soybean oil, krill oil and omega-3 fatty acids (found in fatty fish from the type herring, salmon, sardines, and in nuts).
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An adapted lifestyle as a natural remedy for osteoarthritis
Among the advice provided by the World Health Organization to combat osteoarthritis is practicing regular physical activity and maintaining a balanced weight. In fact, you are advised to practice 30 minutes of physical activity per day, compatible with your state of health, 5 days per week. The fight against excess weight must also be a goal to pursue to prevent too much pressure from being exerted on the joints, particularly those of the knees (gonarthrosis) or the hips (coxarthrosis).

• Osteoarthritis, the most widespread joint disease , National Institute of Health and Medical Research, file published on 11/14/2022
• Osteoarthritis , World Health Organization, 07/14/2023
• Anti-inflammatory medications , Canadian Arthritis Society