Lake Kinneret
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Location of Lake Kinneret
Lake Tiberias is located in the northeastern part of Palestine. It is considered the second lowest lake in the world after the Dead Sea. It is worth noting that it has been given many other names, such as: Lake Gennesaret and the Sea of Gennesaret. The lake is surrounded by hills on all sides; To the west is Mount Erbil, and to the east it is surrounded by the Golan Heights, which is a sweet lake, due to the presence of many mineral springs that feed the lake. The Jordan River is its main outlet. The lake extends over an area of 166 km², and its average depth is 25.6 m. Its height ranges between 209-215 m below sea level.
Features of Lake Kinneret
The Lake Tiberias region was the place where the first humans settled. The lake's flowing rivers, surrounding plains, fertile soil, moderate climate, and abundance of water have helped it be a source of livelihood for various peoples throughout the ages, as some sediments dating back to the period between approximately 400,000-500,000 years ago revealed prehistoric tools. Two human fragments were also found in the lake, which are considered among the oldest in the Middle East, in addition to the discovery of Canaanite structures dating back to the period between 1000 and 2000 BC. It is worth noting that the lake recently became the starting point for the national water conveyor project.
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Lake Kinneret constitutes a large water reservoir in an area that suffers from a scarcity of water sources. It is also famous for being a distinctive tourist area located in an area low above sea level. It is also characterized by a moderate and warm climate. It is worth noting that it is an area dotted with archaeological, natural, and geographical monuments.
The Sea of Galilee is distinguished by being a prominent tourist destination for all sects, especially Christians, due to the prevailing belief that Jesus passed through this region and taught his disciples there. They consider it an important place to pass through and follow in the footsteps of Jesus, and to see a boat that is believed to be from his time, as it was discovered in 1986 AD.
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The danger facing the Sea of Galilee: The percentage of water in the Sea of Galilee has decreased in recent decades, and this causes a real danger to it and to its economic importance, as this danger is attributed to many causes resulting from climate change, including a decrease in the amount of rain. Increasing upstream water use in Lebanon. High temperatures, which contributed to increased evaporation of water in the lake. Expanding agricultural and irrigation lands around the lake. The Jordan Valley was formed as a result of the separation of the African and Arab tectonic plates, so the Lake Tiberias region is exposed to many earthquakes and also witnesses intense volcanic activities.

Source: website