Lake Baikal
Lake Baikal 1--1569
Lake Baikal, located in Siberia, Russia, is the deepest and oldest lake in the world. Lake Baikal is one of the largest freshwater reserves on the planet. Its low salinity and purity of water make it a valuable source of fresh water. The lake's water is known for its clarity and purity, which contributes to the rich biodiversity and unique ecosystems that thrive there
Lake Baikal or Lake Baikal (in Russian: о́зеро Байка́л): is a great lake located in southern Siberia in Russia. It is the deepest freshwater lake in the world, with a depth of 1,642 meters and contains the largest volume of surface freshwater in the world.
It is also the oldest lake in the world and was formed approximately 25 million years ago due to movements of the earth’s crust. There are types of land and marine animals that live in and near the lake.

Its length is 395 miles and its average width is 3 miles, and 336 rivers flow into it. Since 1996, it has been included on the UNESCO World Heritage List. It is located in an avalanche canyon, and is similar to Lake Tanganyika in Africa. It contains more than 20% of the world’s non-frozen fresh water. The large volume of the lake’s water affects the atmosphere of the surrounding areas. For example, the temperature of the areas near the lake is higher and warmer in winter and more severe. It is cold in the summer from areas far away from it, and the surface of the lake freezes in the period from January to May Although 336 rivers flow into Lake Baikal, there is only one river emerging from it, which is the Angara River.

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