The effect of stress on mental health
The effect of stress on mental health 2170
In light of the accelerated life and constant competition at work and the desire to succeed as well as the natural requirements of the human being for normal coexistence, in addition to occasional events such as harassment, physical violence and emotional blackmail, we are increasingly exposed  to psychological pressures that may make our lives into successive chains of trouble and anxiety, which makes us irrelevant. In the
following lines, we will review how stress can affect our mental health in terms of performance ? How can we coexist and overcome the ?constant troubles and pressures
* ?What is mental health
Mental health is a state of rest in which an individual is aware of his abilities and what he can do, the possibility of dealing with the normal stresses of life, the possibility of working productively, and the individual being able to contribute to his community, moreover, sound mental health enables the individual to think In a healthy way, participating in society, interacting with others, the ability to earn and enjoy life.Being
free from chronic mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety , borderline personality and others is not considered healthy mental health.

?What is psychological stress
It can be defined as any type of change that causes physical, emotional or psychological stress, to which your body responds as it requires attention or action causing a state of fatigue and suffering.Although
our reaction to stress varies from person to person, the greater the stressor. The psychological impact on the individual has increased our exposure to the consequences that are not limited to psychological problems, but also go beyond them to negatively affect physical health.
* ?What are the symptoms of psychological stress
Symptoms vary from person to person according to their ability to deal with stressors.
psychological symptoms
the fear
trend towards violence
feeling uncomfortable
physical symptoms
tendency to vomit
Heart rate
General fatigue in the body
There is something more dangerous than that, as it is possible for these symptoms to worsen, causing some physical diseases, which may enter the person into a vicious circle that makes him more anxious and sad.

The groups most vulnerable to psychological stress
People who have experienced financial stress or the loss of a job or life partner.
People with special needs are subjected to a degree of bullying in some societies.
People with chronic diseases that make them unable to easily perform normal functional tasks or fear complications and risks.
Minorities, whether religious or ethnic minorities.
* Psychological stress in children and adolescents
Exposure of children and adolescents to physical violence, neglect, emotional blackmail, sexual harassment, parental separation, family problems, and the presence of children in war and conflict areas, are different forms of psychological and mental stress that expose them to the consequences of pressure. Detention in psychiatric and mental hospitals.One
of these examples, a study indicates that 70% of Kuwaiti children were exposed to post-traumatic stress disorder, which coincided with their presence in the Gulf War in the nineties of the last century.The
exposure of children and adolescents to such psychological stress is not limited to Only on the occurrence of immediate consequences, but increases the possibility of chronic mental illnesses such as chronic anxiety and mood changes and makes them more aggressive with structural changes in the nervous system and even makes them more likely to die early.
* Psychological stress in adults
Since adults are more susceptible to psychological stress as a form of normal life related to work, marital relationships and other forms of daily life, their inability to deal with these factors makes them more susceptible to mental illnesses:
A study was conducted in Denmark on more than 13,000 patients who were detained in hospitals because of depression, and it was found that a large part of them had been exposed to previous psychological stresses such as divorce, financial loss or job loss. It is worth noting that depression and anxiety are the most frequent consequences of psychological stress in adults.
Depression occurs in 24% of cancer patients, and major illnesses are often accompanied by depression, which is an expected follow-up after exposure to this great psychological stress.
A person is always looking for a way out or forgetting, and the brain always seeks to relieve the burden on the body in one way or another, which prompts the person with stress to search for ways to reduce the tension surrounding him, so some resort to methods that push him towards forgetting, so the defect is in the style of food, whether Excessive or severe deficiency, or the tendency to use drugs so that it may be smuggled at times, as well as excessive drinking of alcohol and heavy smoking, which may cause chronic lung diseases, lung cancer and even early death.
Driving recklessly and quickly increases the euphoria of some, which may be a reason for increasing the possibility of road accidents for himself and others.
A defect in the coherence of the brain molecules that work together: the parts of the brain work in harmony, which results in this coordinated work of thoughts, movements and focus of the human being, but repeated pressure is a cause of increased communication between two parts of the brain (hippocampus and amygdala), which causes poor communication between The hippocampus and the frontal cortex lead to inappropriate reactions to the immediate situation, so the person is more inclined to violence as a result of this imbalance in communication with the inability to stop the cycle of violence.
* What can you do to reduce your vulnerability to stress?
Stay away from the environment and stressful people as much as possible.
Do not ignore the signs of the effects of stress, you may feel tired in your body for no reason other than the presence of stress, try to find a way to reduce or eliminate the stress.
Look at your lifestyle, is it possible to get over some things? If there is a possibility, skip it. Could you add some that makes you happy? Don't be late without having a negative impact on your health.
Try to build good human relations, as it is an impenetrable bulwark against many psychological diseases and stresses.
Try to eat good, healthy food as much as possible, as good food improves mental efficiency and improves your ability to deal with psychological stress.
Don't drink too much alcohol and try to stop smoking, it won't help you get over the stress but will lead to more procrastination and future stress.
Exercise as much as you can, even if it's just walking on a daily basis.
Do not rush, you are not in a race with anyone, time is yours, wait until you can solve your problems and overcome your pressures.
Awareness of what is going on around you is the most important thing that will get you out of your problem, and try to understand what you can do.
Try to sleep well enough so that you can have a mental clarity that enables you to deal with stress.
Don't be too harsh on yourself, crises can be overcome with good thinking and action.
Practicing relaxation exercises on a regular basis may reduce psychological stress and increase the ability to focus on how to deal with stress more wisely.
Engaging in voluntary work to help others, even for a short time, may cause an inner feeling of satisfaction.

If these solutions do not help you overcome the crisis and your inability to be comfortable, you must resort to a specialist in psychotherapy, where you can discuss everything that is on your mind and reach a calm and calm life

Does the impact of major stressful life events on the risk of developing depression change throughout life?
A preliminary study of PTSD and grief among the children of Kuwait following the Gulf crisis
The relationship between stressful life events and
hospitalized adolescent psychiatric patients
What is Stress?
What Is Stress? - very well health
Mental health: strengthening our response
STRESS AND HEALTH: Psychological, Behavioral, and Biological Determinants
Stress - Mental health Foundation
Life Event, Stress and Illness
How Stress Affects Mental Health