Edison's story of absent-mindedness
Edison's story of absent-mindedness 1---1278
The most famous story told about absent-mindedness is the story of Edison, the genius American scientist who did not attend his wedding. The reason is that he was busy in the laboratory with an important experiment, and they searched for him a lot, and it turned out that he had written the wedding date in his notebook, but he had forgotten!
I do not know what he said to his bride on that dark night, but history does not mention that the engagement was broken off anyway.
There is Newton, the mathematician, who was sitting near the fireplace, but he did not feel warm. So he asked his servant to remove the heater from the wall and bring it closer to him. The servant said to him politely:
?Why doesn't my master move his seat closer to the fire
Here Newton gasped and declared that his servant was a truly present-minded genius!
The strangest story is that of Chesterton, the famous British playwright, who stood in line at the post office to get a money order. When he reached the counter, he discovered that he had forgotten his name! The first thing he said to the astonished employee was:
?!- Excuse me, sir... but do you know my name
We can easily visualize what the employee said and did.
The wandering of the mind of geniuses is known to everyone, even if it causes astonishment at first.
It often leads people to consider a genius to be something “crazy” or crazy. But then they accept him with respect.
But I admit that absent-mindedness does not indicate genius in all circumstances, but rather it may indicate a completely empty mind. As someone who is known for being absent-minded, I admit that most of the times I was seen wandering, there was nothing useful in my head, but people look at me with respect and imagine that I am writing a brilliant poem or a genius story.
The most famous person known for absent-mindedness in the world of literature is the Egyptian writer (Tawfiq Al-Hakim), but the director (Mohamed Karim) sat with him for a long time while writing the screenplay for the movie (Bullet in the Heart) and noticed that part of this absent-mindedness was completely voluntary. For example, notice that Tawfiq al-Hakim is sitting absent-mindedly with his chin resting on the handle of his cane, and he (Muhammad Karim) says to him: There is a beautiful girl who asked about you yesterday.
Then the wandering philosopher immediately wakes up and inquires about all the details. This, then, is a voluntary wandering from which he wakes up whenever he wants.
The musician (Abdul Wahab) was famous for his real wandering, and everyone who approached him said that he was purring like a cat all the time because the melodies never stopped visiting his mind.
Ahmed Shawqi, the poet, was also absent-minded. He would take out a cigarette packet every few minutes and write down a few verses in the margins before they were lost.
In any case, you can survive your distraction and no one will make fun of you if you convince people that you are an artist. It is a solution you must resort to if you want to escape from very embarrassing situations.
For example, one time I was lost in thought and met a woman with a familiar face on the stairs of my house. I shook my head and said with reserved dignity: Good evening.
I continued to go down, and only after a quarter of an hour did I remember that the person I met was my sister! By God Almighty, this happened and was not my work.
Another time, a boring co-worker was talking to me in a monotone voice about many things. So I resorted to the ideal solution, which is a sound (mmmm!) every thirty seconds, which suggests that I am following her.

Suddenly I realized that she was looking at me with reproach and had stopped speaking in a monotonous manner, and when I looked at her she said:
-I'm asking you! As usual, you have no answer except (mmmm).
These are very embarrassing situations, so you have to convince people as an apology that you are a genius and that you think about great things. You have to apologize, then take out a folded piece of paper and write down some words on it eagerly with a trembling hand, then sigh in relief as if you have finished the last two verses of the Iliad epic.
kink? Perhaps, but it is no stranger than meeting your sister and not knowing her, or your colleague discovering that you do not hear a word of what she says.
As is usual, absent-mindedness will make me finish writing this article and then send it to my aunt’s husband as I do every time, instead of sending it to this dear newspaper, and I will claim that I was thinking about the next article! .

Source: websites