How to deal with people intelligently
How to deal with people intelligently 1-3037
The following words are:
• The art of speech: Not all speech is acceptable to others, and the abundance of speech is not evidence of the strength of relationships. This is an art, and speech is profound. The following tips must be followed:
• Avoid talking about the self and the feelings it hides: because people do not like those who remove the water from the water.
• Before speaking: Listening to the words of others is one of the arts of speech, because listening makes a person know what is behind the words, what is the meaning of the conversation, and what are the feelings that the speaker is hiding, so listening is half the wisdom.
• Calmness when speaking: Calmness and a soft voice make others’ ears listen to the speaker. Being disturbed by speaking in a loud, repulsive voice is completely unpopular with people, especially if there is an exciting topic worth talking about.
• Do not provide advice to anyone unless they ask for it.
• Stay away from imitating the speech of others, even if their style is beautiful, and the person must be himself and not anyone else, as imitation erases personality.
• Stay away from gossip and backbiting.
• Diplomacy in dialogue.
• Speaking something useful and meaningful.
• Moral taste: Morals and good qualities are what attract the hearts of others, and without them there is no art in dealing or the ability to build successful relationships. To maintain morals and good tastes, the following advice must be followed:
• Trust in dealings: If trust does not exist, there is no established relationship and it is shaky that may be destroyed at any time. This does not mean that a person blindly trusts others and trusts them, but rather it means that there is a clear relationship based on honesty, lack of deception, and staying away from self-interest. Personal.
• Building beautiful situations: Special touches of personality must be put in place that stand out in serious situations, such as standing with others in their crises and providing assistance and assistance to them.
• Do not offend others and be considerate of their feelings.
• Drawing a smile on the faces of others: A person must remain smiling and cheerful in order to attract others to him and not repel him, and therefore a smile is the first path to the heart and to win the love of others.
• Humility and avoiding arrogance and vanity.

Source: websites