Things that negatively affect the marital relationship
Things that negatively affect the marital relationship 13-28
Stubbornness, nervousness, doubt, raising one’s voice, weak character, negativity, comparisons, miserliness, neglect, cruelty, moodiness, dissatisfaction with everything he does for his family, harshness of the tongue, excessive criticism and blame, scarcity of praise and good words.!
Sometimes a person goes through a period of mood that he does not know what it is or what caused it. He is not upset or sad, but he is in it. He cannot stand to talk to anyone and just wants to be alone, so seek an excuse for him. Perhaps his chest contains something that he cannot reveal.!
Usually the reasons:
- Accumulations of pressure
- He burdened himself more than he could bear
- Mood swings
We all go through circumstances, we all suffer from pain, we all go through periods of distress, we all suffer from fatigue, we all go through moments of distraction, we all go through periods of sadness, In the end, you must know that you are in a world with all the ups and downs of joy and sadness, and you are not in heaven, so adapt to what you are in, be optimistic, and trust in God that what is coming is more beautiful, no matter the circumstances.”
And thank God remains the expressor of every situation..

Source: websites