The impact of marital problems on the child’s psyche
The family is the only way to live in safety, and in it the child acquires the highest values and principles upon which his future is based.
Family problems are not free between parents. There are several reasons, they may be material, or they may be the result of the wife’s mismanagement or the husband’s miserliness, and the insufficient spending of the family. Parents' problems may be due to the different circumstances of the husband and wife, or it may be due to the difference in customs and traditions between the spouses.
Unfortunately, these issues, big and small, reflect directly and negatively on children because they happen in front of them and parents do not expect to discuss them in a private place away from their children. This can lead to psychological disturbances and stress in children, which may affect their behavior and social life, and cause them to worry and lose confidence.
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For this reason, psychiatrists advise parents to keep young children away when there is any disagreement or misunderstanding between them, especially when things develop into screaming and voices, as this may lead to implanting problems in the child’s mind. And the growth of seeds of hatred and aggression, so that he is born with a conviction that he is the cause of disagreements, so he becomes easy prey for diseases, psychological gatherings and social interactions.
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The impact of marital problems on the child’s psyche
Research shows that children of all ages, whether infants less than 6 months old or adolescents, are affected by marital disagreements between parents that arise in front of them, which may include yelling, insulting, hitting and attacking. Externally, we will find that these children are more violent and aggressive than others, while internally and psychologically, they have lower self-confidence, are more prone to anxiety and depression, and may be dominated by suicidal feelings in severe cases. .
What are the negative effects of marital problems on the psychology of children?
Decreased cognitive achievement
The study found that stresses related to family life can impair a child's cognitive performance and achievement. Researchers have found that children have more difficulty regulating their attention and emotions when their parents fight a lot.
Marital conflict also disrupts a child's ability to quickly solve problems, observe patterns, understand new information and focus.
At the same time, studies have also shown that living in a family with frequent struggles increases the chance of academic failure and low grades.
The child's ability to build relationships fails
One of the most prominent effects of marital disputes on the child is his violent habits of controversy and argument, and behaving aggressively and violently towards his peers.
It is common for children to begin resolving their differences with their siblings and friends using the same strategies they see used between their parents.
As children become accustomed to family disputes, have trouble deciding who they can really trust in life, they have trust issues.
behavioral problems
The impact of marital problems on the child is usually related to his aggression, violent tendencies, and various behavioral problems. In addition, children may have social problems and have difficulty adjusting to school, both with their peers and with their teachers.
Eating disorders and body problems
Numerous scientific studies have linked eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia to parental disputes and frequent family problems.
It has also been proven that children who grow up in precarious families are more likely than others to suffer from stomach problems, headaches and sleep problems.
Smoking and addiction
Researchers have found that living in families torn apart by conflict increases the likelihood of early smoking and alcohol and drug abuse among children compared to children who grew up in families that understand their parents.
Depression and a negative outlook on life
Children who grew up in frequent families are more likely to have negative opinions about the value of their family relationships and things in life in general.
One of the consequences of marital conflict on the child is that he has a more negative view of himself as he grows up. A study published in 2012 found that children exposed to family quarrels and problems between their parents were more likely to have low self-esteem and may experience psychological disorders related to self-image in their lives.
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Rules to reduce marital problems in front of children
Make sure to open up a conversation with your husband and allow him to express what he has in mind while showing empathy and understanding for everything he has to say.
Enforce good intentions for your partner's actions, and keep reminding yourself how much you love each other.
Always remember that you and your spouse are a team, and you are not a competitor, so you should put all your problems aside and discuss and decide them together.
Avoid criticizing and blaming your partner for negative situations, especially if your conversation doesn't help. In return, you can talk about the best way to get things done next time.
All the things you want to say to your partner, positive or negative, you can say to them with kindness and respect.
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Of course, life will not be without marital disputes, but it is important for parents to know that when marital problems appear in front of their children, they must deal with them calmly, without emotion, screaming, beating and violence, so as not to affect your children disastrously. The consequences may continue with them for the rest of their lives.