The open doors of the National Radio and Television Company highlight the importance of its innovative digital services in strengthening ties with new generations of Moroccans abroad
The open doors of the National Radio and Television Company highlight the importance of its innovative digital services in strengthening ties with new generations of Moroccans abroad 13-834
In commemoration of the National Day of the Immigrant, and within the framework of the activities of the closing day of the third session of the open doors for the benefit of the Moroccan community residing abroad, held under the slogan “ Digital solutions.. Stronger and stronger ties with the new generations of Moroccans around the world ”, the National Radio and Television Company organized, on Saturday, August 10, 2024, in Rabat, a communication meeting with a group of young Moroccans residing abroad, focusing on the roles of the innovative digital solutions of the national public media service in responding to the needs of young Moroccans around the world in the field of Moroccan audiovisual content.
The National Radio and Television Company is the locomotive of developing Moroccan audiovisual media.
This meeting was an opportunity to shed light on the pioneering position of the National Radio and Television Company in the national audiovisual scene, and the locomotive of its technological development; and to review the various transformations that this public facility has undergone, and the major and rapid development revolution it has enabled, in terms of diversifying services and content, and keeping it always in line with the latest global technical developments.
In this context, a number of notable milestones were recalled in this regard, such as the adoption of digital terrestrial television (TNT) in 2007 and mobile terrestrial television (DVB-H) in 2008, the introduction of the high-definition broadcasting system “HD” in 2015, live broadcasting via the Internet and the electronic application (SNRT live) in 2017, the simultaneous multilingual broadcast of the “Tamazight” channel in 2018, and the development of an internal structure for digital solutions in 2019, which ensures the coordination of the digital transformation plan and adaptation to new patterns of audiovisual content consumption.
The communication meeting also highlighted the results of the digital transformation strategy in terms of developing new services, including the digital platform for re-watching, the Moroccan digital news website SNRTnews, and the “Forja” platform, which was recently launched and is the first Moroccan public digital platform for video on demand, in addition to applications for the main streaming programs (Lalla Laaroussa, Standup…).
The open doors of the National Radio and Television Company highlight the importance of its innovative digital services in strengthening ties with new generations of Moroccans abroad 13-835
Strengthening national media sovereignty and the priority of national content
During this communication meeting, Ms. Ilham Haraoui, Director of the Advertising Agency and Digital Solutions, highlighted that the digital strategy of the National Radio and Television Company focuses on establishing a strong digital presence, revolving around the development of innovative, multi-screen digital platforms, and increasing viewership rates by opening up to new categories, primarily young people, with a focus on responding to the needs and aspirations of these categories in terms of content; in addition to paying attention to the presence on all social networks and other platforms, in addition to developing the advertising revenues of the National Radio and Television Company.
The Director of the Advertising Agency and Digital Solutions stressed that the innovative digital services of the National Radio and Television Company seek to provide content that is distinguished by innovation and is compatible with the requirements of digital consumption patterns, including live streaming and access to “video” on demand. She added that digital solutions and their content have another strategic dimension related to strengthening national sovereignty of content and giving priority to the consecration of Moroccan culture and identity.
From this standpoint, the large offer of digital services embodies the commitment of the National Radio and Television Company in the field of supporting and strengthening national efforts related to consolidating and strengthening ties and links with Moroccans around the world, by providing them with a rich and diverse offer of platforms and applications, with advanced technical and technological features, and guaranteeing interactive communication and individual and rich user experiences.
In a testimony by Mr. Mohamed Al-Zawaq, a Moroccan expert and publisher in the field of digital media directed at the Moroccan community abroad, he confirmed that this trend towards enhancing the digital transformation in the field of radio and television broadcasting and achieving integration between traditional types of broadcasting and publishing with the new, globally emerging patterns of content consumption, is an achievement worthy of praise, especially for its contribution to bringing Moroccan news, cultural and entertainment content closer to Moroccan youth around the world.

It is worth noting that this communication meeting was followed by a luncheon celebrating the National Day of the Immigrant in honor of young Moroccans from around the world participating in the third session of the open doors of the National Radio and Television Company, which is an annual tradition through which this institution, under the guidance of Mr. Faisal Al-Araichi, CEO, embodies its interest in and involvement of the Moroccan community residing abroad, and attaches great importance to contributing to consolidating the preservation of strong ties and human and cultural bonds among its members with their mother country.

Source : websites