Your Child Suffers From Low Self-Esteem...Solutions To Help Him Regain Self-Confidence And Self-Esteem
Your Child Suffers From Low Self-Esteem...Solutions To Help Him Regain Self-Confidence And Self-Esteem 2179
Your child has low self-esteem
?What is self esteem
Self-esteem is how a person feels about himself. Most children suffer from low self-esteem when they go through different stages or challenges in life, and there are various stresses that may affect them negatively including: social media, bullying, exams, family problems and abuse.
Things like starting a new school, moving home, or making changes in the family can also affect a child's self-confidence, but when parents and adults support the child, he or she will usually be able to move past this.
Children and young people with high self-confidence are as follows:
They have a positive image of themselves
They make friends easily and don't feel anxious when they are with new people
They can play in groups or alone
They try to solve their problems on their own, and if they need help they ask for it.
Parents feel proud of their accomplishments
They admit mistakes and learn from them
They try new things and adapt to change
Children and young people with low self-esteem often:
Negative self-image: They may feel bad, feel ugly, unloved, or stupid.
They have zero self-confidence
They find it difficult to make and keep friends, and may feel victimized by others
Feel lonely and isolated
They avoid new things and find it difficult to change
They can't handle failure well
They tend to degrade themselves and may say things like "I'm stupid" or "I can't do that"
They are not proud of what they have achieved and always think they could have done better
They constantly compare themselves to their peers in a negative way

?How can I help my children boost self-esteem
Show them how much you love them
Show your children lots of love and be positive about them as people – tell them the things they have that make them special to you.
Let them know that you value effort, not perfection
Children will lose many things if they do not try to do some things because they are afraid of not succeeding. Reassure them that it is okay to make mistakes and that mistakes are part of life.
They know that doing things wrong is not the end of the world, it happens to everyone and that's how we all learn
Encourage them to try new challenges, make plans for the things they want to achieve, and celebrate them for it
Phrases like “Well done, that was tough, yet I managed it.” They are good phrases. At first make the steps small, then increase the challenges little by little.
Encourage them to express their thoughts and opinions
Let them know that it's okay to have different opinions , we all see things differently.
be a role model
Try to be kind to yourself when things aren't going the way you want them to - and show them that you can have a positive attitude when facing challenges.
Ask what things they enjoy and find rewarding You can ask them to tell you about three good things that went well during their day.
Acknowledge their feelings and help them express them with words. For example, you can encourage them to say “I am upset because…” or “I feel happy when…”.
Object to their perception or view of themselves
When they criticize themselves or their abilities, object gently by telling them how you see them.
Help them discover themselves and their talents
What might help them achieve this is joining a sports club, group or activity. Finding something they are good at, and realizing their ability to do new things, can provide a huge boost to their emotions and boost their self-esteem.

You can also encourage them to express themselves creatively – for example through art, drama or music. Or they may want to participate in a volunteer or community project that makes a difference in the world, which may help them form a more positive opinion of themselves.