Violence in children: its forms, causes and the most important methods and solutions to reduce it
 Violence in children: its forms, causes and the most important methods and solutions to reduce it 2575
Hello all visitors to my dear child's world, violence is not a feature of ADHD and cannot be classified as lack of education and weak religion either. Violence is never innate. Rather , it is an acquired behavior in the human psyche. A person was not violent when his mother was born. Rather, it is the hardship of life and education and the violence of parents that instills violence in the brain cells. In the personalities of many children, it  is often the result of a lack of understanding and weak awareness and understanding of those around them in their lives and how to deal And build good communication with them.
In this article, we will discuss this topic in a very detailed way. Follow the article to the end.
The most important forms of violence in children:
Verbal violence:
This type of violence is through verbal abuse, as a means of violence. Here, hurtful and harsh speech, scolding or shouting in the face of those who are talking to him in a loud voice and disrespect, the child is supposed to have adopted this violence from those close to him and those around him who practice this behavior in his sight.
physical violence:
It means the violent behavior that the child directs towards others to cause pain, harm or suffering to the person. For example, we find beating, pushing, kicking, or breaking, demolishing, or ripping some objects as an expression of his momentary feeling, and this type of violence is often accompanied by bouts of intense anger. . This is one of the most dangerous things affecting the child and those around him.
The main reasons that generate violence in children:
Pathological violence as a result of mental disorders and diseases:
Which occurs as a result of a child suffering from certain psychological disorders that push him to express his desires by unnatural means, such as harming himself and harming others in an excessive and unnatural way, such as using hard tools in dealing or committing violent acts that threaten the lives of others without realizing the magnitude of the danger he is presented with. This type often appears in children with certain types of psychological and behavioral disorders, such as hyperactivity or violence that appears on the mental patient. Here, these cases require the necessity to present to a psychiatrist for treatment.
Acquired violence as a result of parental behavior:
Excessive pampering and protection of the child in an exaggerated way, in addition to fulfilling all his desires, regardless of their value and at all times, is one of the most things that generates selfishness and self-love in children. And sometimes hit up.
 Constant criticism:
For a child who faces severe criticism all the time for his behavior, it is very natural to find in him  (lack of concentration, extreme forgetfulness, stuttering, delaying appointments, lack of appreciation of time and loss of passion for everything, inability to finish tasks, poor academic level, lack of self-confidence and psychological extinction). The most important thing you can find in him is violence. All this is a natural result of permanent negative criticism.
Peer jealousy:
Jealousy among children leads to hatred and malice if it is not noticed and treated early. Some children feel jealous of the success of one of the children, so they appear to be aggressive behaviors that appear in the form of quarrels, defamation, provocation and verbal attacks.
Child's desire for attention:
We find that some children try to attract the attention of their parents and the people around them in order to show themselves by using force and violence towards others, especially towards those who are in the house, under the eyes of their parents deliberately.
Desire to get rid of adult stress:
From the great pressure of adults, the child feels that their interference in his life constitutes an obstacle to him and prevents him and stands in the way of achieving his desires, and here the aggressive behavior of the child appears, with which he wants to express his rejection of these interventions. A lot of directing the child and not letting him depend on himself makes him feel like a puppet in their hands and he can't act as he likes, so he can only scream and hit to express his rejection.
It is common knowledge that the child learns positive or negative behaviors from the models and images that he sees on a daily basis, as he watches carefully and with great interest the actions of his family members and then imitates the personal behaviors that he prefers among them and if one of his family members is nervous, this is reflected in the actions of the child without his awareness It pushes him to imitate his personality in expressing his anger and rejection and in his dealings with others. Also, through what the child watches daily of television tapes and films that are characterized by acts of violence and aggression, he imitates these negative personalities in their aggressive behavior.
Accumulation of frustration situations:
When a child goes through frustrating situations, such as repeatedly failing a school subject, bullying a lot from his surroundings, punishing his parents for his shortcomings, or preventing him from engaging in activities he loves, this leads him to show aggressive behaviors such as hitting his younger brothers, schoolmates, or peers from the neighbours. Just to express his anger.
The child's constant exposure to violence:
When a child is subjected to a form of violence such as physical punishment strongly and permanently and the use of beating, punching, screaming and embarrassing scolding in front of others, the violent manifestations lead the child to feel injustice and as a result his reactions become aggressive towards individuals smaller than him or weaker than him to restore his regard before himself and in front of others and become These behaviors usually take root over time and it is difficult to get rid of them because, according to his point of view, they give him a sense of strength.
How do we reduce violent behavior in a child:
Reducing Aggressive Forms:
Children can take adults as a role model in learning calm behavior and controlling anger, when the child sees his parents as a positive model, talking to him in a low voice, committed to calm, and controlling themselves when dealing with feelings of anger and exciting situations. They do not adopt the methods of screaming, scolding and violence to reduce aggression. It will inevitably learn and use these methods in situations of anger.
Managing anger in frustrating situations:
It is necessary to help the child learn to control situations of anger in terms of getting used to how to control himself and control his anger and not to revolt over trivial matters, and to train him in new ways through which he can control himself and express his dissatisfaction or disapproval. These methods and methods must be more positive than violence and aggressiveness, and their results should be satisfactory to the child and the parents at the same time, so that the child resorts to them every time he feels angry.
Reinforce non-aggressive behaviors and find alternatives:
Helping the child to adopt the method of dialogue and discussion in solving problems and conflicts by using wisdom and logic and explaining things to the child instead of screaming and violence, as well as praise and good behavior and expressing the child’s love and attention and making him feel safe and loved, praise is always a good motive to encourage the child to act in a manner Right.
Not using corporal punishment:
In dealing with the mistakes and wrong behaviors of the child, we must use a method away from beating and cruelty. The use of physical titles gives the child the impression that the use of violence is acceptable when angry, or that it is the only solution. And if the child must be punished, we only have to use the deprivation method for a temporary time from practicing an activity he likes, such as playing one of his favorite games.
Ignore negative behaviors:
Parents should ignore aggressive behavior and not pay attention to it, especially if the behavior was deliberate on the part of the child to try to attract attention.
Family cooperation in monitoring the behavior of the child:
Parents should know the situations and circumstances in which aggressive behavior appears so that they can identify the hidden reasons that prompted the child to do this behavior in order to be able to treat it more early and help the child train him to acquire good behavior and direct him to positive behaviors and avoid suppressing his anger, but rather train him to use the correct methods When dealing with feelings.
Allow the child to practice activities:
Directing the child to practice different colors of play and sports activities, especially outdoors, in public parks and on the beaches, and the practice of playing sand and water, is an important source of unloading the child's energies, in addition to practicing a sports activity that the child loves, all activities that make him calmer, more comfortable and less violent.
doctor consultation:
Sometimes the situation requires the intervention of a doctor or a psychiatrist to treat excessive aggression in some children.