How To Build The Character Of Your Children Boys To Be The Men Of The Future
How To Build The Character Of Your Children Boys To Be The Men Of The Future 2489 
Personality of your children boys:
Personality is what you are, not what you do. Many parents believe that if they love their children enough, give them what they want, and carefully control their behavior, their children will become good people. Things don't always go that way. Personality, which is one's innate moral compass and the ability to think and act, does not come from being spoiled or controlled. Nor can it be given to children, but must be learned.
character education
In his book How to Turn Boys into Men Without a Man Around the House, Richard Brumfield says: “For your son to be able to judge things well, he must have a strong character and be confident in his own values. Children who are brought up only to order and not taught and encouraged to act and judge things for themselves may behave well but will fail to develop morally.” Character goes beyond mere obedience and acquiescence.
Efficiency and ability
Your son will face many temptations as he grows up and moves into the world of men . Before he can make decisions with confidence, he must have faith in his ability to do so; He must know that his decision is important and that he is personally valuable and important. You may remember that a person needs a sense of belonging and importance; This primary need is a building block for character.
An important way to teach your child that he is capable and competent is to teach him the skills that life requires. Even the simplest tasks of daily life are opportunities for your child to learn that he can take care of himself and others, that he can make a meaningful contribution to his family's life and that he can influence the world around him.
How To Build The Character Of Your Children Boys To Be The Men Of The Future 6218 
Necessary information
When you watch a movie or TV show, ask your son to tell you how he would have acted or what he thinks should happen. Ask questions like “what” and “how” and listen to his answers. Inviting him to think for himself is an important way to teach values.
Life skills education can begin while your child is still a young child and you allow him to "help" push the vacuum cleaner. After he gets taller and stronger, you can invite him to put towels on the table, wash the lettuce for the salad, or use the sponge to wipe up the sludge. Note that these tasks are not unpleasant, but rather opportunities for him to learn and to participate in the task of running the family.

When your son gets older, he can learn to prepare nutritious meals, wash his clothes, mow the lawn and change the car oil. Your behavior and attitude are key: if you approach these tasks as opportunities to teach him skills and spend time working together, your son is more likely to resist. And when the day comes when he leaves the house, he will be able to take care of himself with confidence