Boys Are Capable Of Empathy, Kindness And Compassion More Than Girls.. Why Should Parents Develop Empathy In Their Boys And Not Deprive Them Of It?
?Boys Are Capable Of Empathy, Kindness And Compassion More Than Girls.. Why Should Parents Develop Empathy In Their Boys And Not Deprive Them Of It 2535 
The ability to perceive the mind of others and empathy in boys
Ask most adults which sex tends to be more empathetic and expressive, and they will tell you that girls are more empathetic than boys. In fact, boys have a very high capacity for empathy, kindness, and compassion; They begin their lives with a high ability to perceive the feelings of others. However, notions of masculinity and appropriate masculine behavior sometimes lead boys to believe that showing empathy and kindness is a form of weakness.
Develops the ability to perceive the mind of another
In their book Parenting from the Inside Out, Dr. Daniel Siegel and Dr. Marie Hartzel explore the concept of "the ability to perceive the mind of another." According to Siegel and Harzl, “This ability is to perceive the inner experience of another person and to make sense of this imagined experience, which enables us to make empathetic responses that reflect our understanding and concern. Putting ourselves in the shoes of the other requires us to be aware of our own inner experience while allowing ourselves to imagine the inner world of the other. This ability grows with the development of language skills and theoretical thinking, but it also depends on what the boy experiences as he grows.
A question
My son is three years old and he is very sensitive, he cries if you cry. Should I make it rougher?
The ability to empathize with another's feelings is a gift, not a hindrance. You can encourage your son's innate empathy and teach him appropriate ways to show kindness . This world would be better if there was more empathy and less 'power'.
The ability to perceive another's mind allows humans to communicate with each other on an intimate level. It transcends awareness and leads with empathy to affectionate behavior. Boys are just as kind and empathetic as girls and are better able to explore this part of their inner world when this ability is explicitly encouraged by parents.
Develop a gentle soul
Not long ago, newspapers and magazines published the story of a boy undergoing treatment for cancer. The treatment caused his hair to fall out and he became completely bald. Instead of letting their friend feel embarrassed, his classmates (and many girls) shave their heads. And there appeared in the media wonderful pictures of smiling children, with shiny heads, expressing sympathy for their friend in an eloquent way.
Boys desperately need the opportunity to learn kindness and strength, conviction and compassion. Soon the world will teach our children about cruelty, but it rarely teaches it lessons in kindness. Consider making compassion and compassion a part of your life together as a family. Here are some ideas:
Talk frankly with your son about social issues, bigotry, the environment and war. Allow him to form his own opinions but encourage his growth of empathy and idealism.
Talk about other people's feelings. When you're watching TV, the news, or when you're in the community, you can talk to your son about what people may be feeling and what can help them.
Work according to your own ideas. Show generosity, kindness and awareness towards others when you are with your son, actions speak louder than words.
Make caring for others a part of your family life . You can adopt another family during the holidays, work together on an environmental cause, or get involved in a community project. Make empathy a normal part of everyday life at home.
Remember that your son's companions and culture will teach him what masculinity is when he enters the world of men, and it will comfort you to know that a heart that beats with kindness and compassion hides behind this cold surface.