Things that parents should stop doing.. so that their children take responsibility..
Things that parents should stop doing.. so that their children take responsibility.. 2239
All parents feel the duty to protect their children and do everything possible to facilitate their lives and ensure a happy life for them as much as possible. This is normal. Parents always have the best intentions, but their behavior is not good for their children

Here are 6 common mistakes parents make when raising their kids. Intentions may be sound, but sometimes they reflect more negatively than positively.
1. Choosing and putting on clothes
If your child wants to wear a school uniform or a picnic dress, what should you do? A study published by the American Academy of Pediatrics shows that a boy's choice of clothing is part of his development and growth. We must let him choose it so that his personality and his taste may grow.
2. Do homework
You may think that you are helping your children because you know what they have to do in school and of course there are activities outside of school. But this tension and these missions are necessary lessons for the future. Life will not be easier for them, and they must take responsibility for themselves. Sure, you can help and guide them, but don't do their homework for them. This will give them bad illusions about life.
3. Cleaning behind them
Many parents know that it is faster and easier to clean up after the kids than to start a fight to clean up themselves. But it is an important lesson for the boys. So even if this bothers you, you should always ask them to clean up.
4. Solve their problems
This is perhaps the most common error. Parents want what is best for their children, so they try to solve all their problems. It is important for children to solve their own problems, without the intervention of adults. This will teach them many skills, including empathy. This also allows them to better listen to others and express themselves.
5. Food
If you prepare a delicious meal for the whole family but your child asks for something else, the worst thing you can do is make another meal for him. This will spoil him and it will always be difficult.
6. Plan their day
All parents want their children to be talented and excel in something, but including them in a lot of activities and planning and loading their day with various activities may not be good for them. It is also common for parents to want to fulfill their childhood dreams through their children, such as having them play ball or learn ballet. It is important to understand what the boy likes. Give your child room to make his own decisions.

Sometimes, even the smallest things can have a tangible impact later on in their lives. Try to guide them, but don't make their lives too easy. They should make mistakes and learn lessons from them.