?? What do you do as a father if you have a daughter
The father is considered a role model for his daughter, as his influence is very strong on her life in general and her behavior in particular. Therefore, as a father, you must be the person closest to her in order to gain her trust and affection and be a friend to her in all her life stages. Also, she will take you as a role model for her in everything. In this article, we offer you, dear parents, tips and guidelines that will help you very much in this matter.
?? What do you do as a father if you have a daughter 1331
The most important thing you should do with your daughter as a father
: hug her
Before bed, when she wakes up, when she goes to school and when she comes back from her, when she is happy and she is angry and she is upset and she is happy, hug her in all her cases. Hugging is an antibiotic against betrayal and pain, and a heart cleanser from pain and abandonment.
: satisfy her
Yes, most of the girls’ requests are not logical, and sometimes they are exaggerated, but it is okay, you are her father and the closest man to her, satisfy her financially and morally, bestow on her everything - but of course without extravagance - and if she refuses a request, explain to her the reason in a language that suits her mind, put it in The image is full of interest and love, and does not ignore any of her needs without knowing her importance and need for her.
: praise her
Girls, both young and old, love words of compliment and compliment, and strive to remain the most beautiful one in your eyes. Whatever her position, say beautiful words to her. And when she gets the average of the exams, celebrate for her, and talk about her superiority in front of her to all your family, friends and all people, and give her a gift of the things that she prefers and loves.
: Strengthen it
Always tell her that you support her and her back, and is there for her all the time, no matter what happens, talk to her about the importance of education and self-formation, and that she must learn everything and work and be financially independent and then think about marriage, plant in her the need to have a personality and a real life so that he does not come Someone in the name of love and destroys her life with his greed. Give her self-confidence, hold her even a simple responsibility, correct her mistakes and reveal to her the strengths of her personality. A girl who has never gained confidence in her father's bosom, will never gain it abroad.

:listen to it
It is not a requirement that you have solutions to all her problems, but at least listen to her, and give her your time to tell you about all the details of her life, important and unimportant. Just interacting with her and caring for her comforts her and instills trust between you.
: go out with her alone
When the girl grows up a little, set aside a day for her to go out with her alone and not with the whole family. Let her wear her most beautiful clothes and then go for a roaming and breakfast or dinner in a restaurant, and let her choose her meal, and give her flowers.
: Respect her privacy
Do not violate her even at her young age, ask permission before entering her room, allocate her in the drawers of her closet a drawer of her own only, and only lock the key with her. Give her a sense that she is protected and no one shines a light on her moaning asking her to confess.
: Be careful what you pass on to her
The most person will imitate you as your daughter, not your son, so be aware, aware and focused in your behavior towards her. If you want her to appreciate others and thank them for their efforts, tell her thank you as soon as she does anything, you want her to treat her husband and children with the same psychological, treat her and treat her mother in a way that pleases God. Every fruit bears fruit later you are watering its seeds now.
:call her
No matter how busy you are, call her even for one minute a day, whether on her phone or at home. The important thing is that the call concerns her primarily. Ask her about her day and her friends, and whether she enjoyed her day or not, not in the tone of an informant, but in a peremptory tone, but in a tender and inquisitive and concerned tone.

:give her love
All that we have mentioned, if it was out of duty, customs, traditions, and your image in front of people, would not shake her heart, but if it was out of true, true, true love, it would arrive complete and distilled, so love her with strength and fill her heart and mind, even her first choice always if she falls into a problem, or gets involved in a situation greater than her. She comes to you with her heart, not out of fear of you.
