The strangest behavior of animals
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There are many animals that behave in strange ways, but those animals mentioned here in particular will make you astonished because they choose strange places as their homes and refuges. Here are the strangest animals’ behaviors:
Moroccan goat tree - Tamri - Morocco
While the argania tree is not considered the most beautiful plant in the world, with its rough bark and tangled branches full of thorns, this Moroccan tree, like no other, still tends to attract admirers , thanks in large part to the herd of goats that usually live atop the tree.
The Argania tree grows almost exclusively in the Souss Valley in southwestern Morocco. It is a rare species and is now being protected after years of excessive cutting and wasting.
The tree produces an annual fruit crop called the delicious morsel, which attracts a large number of local goats who jump to the branches to pluck the fruit.
This beautiful and unforgettable phenomenon occurs mostly in June when the fruits of the delicious morsel ripen. It looks like a picture from a movie where you see animals standing on unstable branches, and the animals sway and overlap until they seep into the branches and fill them.
Local farmers ignore the goats in the trees and do not try to remove them, as the goats stay away from the trees while the fruits are ripening and go to the tree at the appropriate time.
There is also a secondary benefit to these goat habits, which is found in their feces, which contributes to fertilizing the land after the goats finish eating the fruits and nuts from the tree. In addition, this goat that lives in trees can be very profitable for its owners, but it has caused a problem, which is He brought more and more goats to the area causing a general decline in the health of the remaining argania trees.
Goats from Cingino Dam - Noasca - Italy
On the Cingino Dam, which is located in the Antrona Valley, you can see a number of goats climbing the wall and jumping from one place to another along the dam, clinging to the rocky outcrop protruding from the wall so as not to fall, although climbing this height is impossible for many animals and humans as well . These goats can climb this dam with ease thanks to their rubber hooves , but sometimes some painful accidents happen and one of these goats falls and dies instantly.
No one is sure why they are trying to climb this very dangerous wall. They almost live on it all the time , but one day a goat was seen licking the stones and eating the grass that grows in the cracks of the bricks, so it is likely that these goats go to that place. Every day just to search for sustenance, in addition to searching for food. Their presence above this dam serves as a fortress and protection from predatory animals.
Johnson's Swedish Restaurant - America
This place is not an ordinary restaurant. Rather, this restaurant has a grass roof on which a group of goats live. This restaurant is located on a peninsula in northern Wisconsin, with a population of only about 28,000 people . However, this island earns about 280 million dollars from tourism every year , and of course for this The distinctive restaurant contributes greatly to the fame of this state and attracts tourists to it.
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Johnson's Swedish Restaurant
At the top of the restaurant there is a sign and a roof covered with bright green grass, and of course a number of goats who live their lives on the roof with ease and enjoyment. All of these wonderful appearances attract the eyes of tourists passing by the restaurant.
It all started in 1973 AD when the Johnson family decided to renovate the restaurant to look like a wooden cabin with a roof covered with plants on top to make the restaurant look like a place in Sweden. Then a man named Wink Larsen (a friend of the owner of the restaurant) suggested jokingly, saying: You should put some goats in there. .
After weeks and weeks of thinking, the owner of the restaurant actually brought a large goat and then placed it on the roof. Indeed, this was a brave and correct decision. That restaurant became one of the most famous restaurants in the world, and its owner made a huge amount of wealth because of an idea that seemed at first to be just a funny joke . The Johnson family began importing goats directly from Scandinavia , and to this day they are kept on a spacious 40-acre farm three-quarters of a mile from the restaurant . Every sunny summer day, the goats are lifted onto the roof of the restaurant using a truck and a small wooden ladder . Minutes after the goats arrive on the roof of the restaurant, they start playing and jumping on the roof. Then the goats start eating the grass planted on the roof while the tourists eat their food, which is meatballs cooked in the Swedish style.
Hog Beach – Bahamas
In the north of a group of islands in the Bahamas called Staniel Cay, there is the island of Exuma, but it is an uninhabited island with a beach called Big Major Cay. On the shore there lives a group of feral pigs. The pigs are fed regularly by those who go to visit them for tourism, and they are often those who reside in Fowl Cay Resort is where boats are available and all resort residents go.
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Pig Beach
The pigs rule the island and roam on their own terms, but they prefer to stay in the shade during the sunny hours and enter the beach and water when it cools down a bit.
It is not clear how the pigs got there. Some believe that they survived a shipwreck, and others say that the sailors left them there to eat in the future and never returned.
Recently, as many as 10 swimming pigs in the Bahamas were found dead. Although initial reports indicated that tourists gave the pigs fatal doses of alcohol, a humane society inspector told National Geographic that the dead pigs were most likely eaten. Sand. This was confirmed by veterinarians who visited the site, as they found large amounts of sand in the stomachs of the deceased animals, which may have resulted from the recent influx of visitors who threw small amounts of food on the beach, and the pigs tried to eat them, which led to the sand entering their stomachs.

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