Important tips to help parents raise a psychologically healthy child:

One of the most important things that parents should focus on raising their children is their comfort and psychological upbringing, which has a great impact on their behavior and life in their present and future. In this article, we will show you some of the most important tips that will benefit you and help you raise a psychologically healthy child.
 Important tips to help parents raise a psychologically healthy child: 1984
Very important steps to protect my child from mental illness: 
 Before you wake up your children, sit next to them for three minutes, recite in a low voice the Ayat al-Kursi and the two Muawwadhatains, then wake them quietly, and increase the praises instead of screaming.
 Sit next to your children before bed for a few minutes, tell them that you love them, hug them, think of an encouraging idea for tomorrow, so that they sleep meditative, and wake up active.
 Do not allow your children to watch TV or iPad directly when waking up from sleep, as the focus of the eyes widens after waking up, and these rays may harm them.
 Massaging your child can help calm him and also help with digestion and improve his sleep habits, and it also develops the emotional connection between you and him, so do not deprive him of those touches.
 A child with high morals and right behavior is a natural result of mutual respect between you as a married couple and vice versa.
 Allowing children to sleep with their father and mother once a week or on holidays deepens the spiritual connection with them and removes many illusions about the father-mother relationship.
 Use the following phrases more often with your children: We are proud of you, you are a wonderful person, we are lucky to have you as our son, what do you think of...? Can we help you?? These words are as simple as they are, but they have a magical effect in increasing the child's confidence in himself and in his abilities and capabilities.

 A persuasive dialogue that is not postponed is one of the most successful methods when a stubborn situation appears on your child, because postponing the dialogue to another time makes the child feel that he has won the battle unjustly.
 Ask your children to stop crying before their needs are met, so that they do not get used to crying as a behavior of urgency and demand. And they take it to provoke you.
 Increase the sayings that love your children in God: God blesses us, God loves you. Whenever a child grows up with the love of God, he is afraid of his disobedience, so he does good work and is distinguished among his peers.
Twenty minutes a day, a dialogue with the children as friends (without advice, talk about school, or guidance).
 Expressing feelings of affection and love from parents to children 5-10 times a day.
 Praise children five times a day for positive behavior he did.
 He praises his children five times a day on his outward appearance (his smile is wonderful, his hairstyle is amazing, his eyes are beautiful, anything in him is special).
 Twice a week, the child participates in an activity outside the home, even if it takes five minutes (walking, sports, car ride).
 Three minutes a day to install values ​​before bed:
I was so happy when I saw you do this today.
- Helping your little sister was nice of you.
- Your fulfillment of the agreement is beautiful.
 Twice a week, dinner with the family at home or outside, which is a long time so that the conversation and dialogue with the family takes place more time.
 From one to three minutes a day (all ears) and implemented as follows:
Sit with the son in a quiet place and ask him to say whatever he wants without restrictions, no discussion, no reply to him, no interruption, no complication, and when 3 minutes are over, the session is over.