The most important directions and tips to instill and enhance confidence in my daughter:
The most important directions and tips to instill and enhance confidence in my daughter: 284 
Welcome to all the dear visitors of my child’s world. As parents and guardians, we cannot ask our daughters to be strong, successful, ambitious, distinguished, and active in society, while their confidence is shaky or lacking. The first steps to success and proper building in our girls is to educate them and help them instill confidence in themselves first and foremost. In this article, we will show you the most effective tips, methods and directions that will help you instill confidence in your daughters.
1. Raising her to be self-reliant:
From a young age, the daughter shows a love of independence, and some parents fall into the dilemma of not dealing with this characteristic of their sons. Without prior planning, this feature is suppressed, and mothers are keen to accomplish everything that their daughter should do by herself, for example: she changes her clothes or chooses food and drink. Or choose the colors, games and books that you should see.
Hence, girls are led to what is known as dependence, and the inability to act, so it is desirable to encourage girls from a young age to do everything they need on their own.
2. Constructive talk with her:
Care must be taken to use beautiful and gentle words that build the daughter's personality and enhance her self-confidence.
3. Consistency in her treatment:
Some fathers may use several methods to deal with the children, such as the father being harsh in his treatment of her and the mother being lenient, or the father allowing some behavior, and the mother preventing it, and here the girl is lost between pleasing the mother or pleasing the father, and it is necessary for the father and mother to agree on what is What is allowed and what is forbidden regarding her, and what is the best way to raise their daughter.
4. Praise her:
The mother must accept the daughter as she is, not as he wants her to be, which is the ideal image, and from here the daughter feels her worth, despite the flaws in her, so she loves herself first, and then loves her surroundings, and this is by believing in her privacy, as she carries a personality of self. A different imprint from the rest of its peers, and it has strengths that must be focused on and developed.
5. Not comparing the daughter to others:
This will make her feel inferior and inertia and is supposed to be compared to herself in previous stages, and encourage her to constantly improve and develop. It is possible to criticize and reject the daughter's behavior, but not at the expense of her psyche.
For the mother to be a good role model for her daughter, at all times.
6. Telling her she's beautiful
Although beauty is not all that the female possesses, the child can be described as beauty since her childhood and this occupies a value in herself, and from this point of view you should hear her compliment on her beauty in all its aspects such as kindness, intelligence and a wonderful smile, this would enhance the boldness of girls.
7. Raising her to give:
The importance of giving stems from being a way to prove the strength of character and increase self-confidence, and then raising a child to give increases her awareness of her ability to provide help and assistance to others, and thus will make her feel how much power she has to change life.
8. Creating challenges for her:
The process of building self-confidence needs to continue creating challenges and encouraging the child to pass them, and whenever she passes one of these challenges, it is necessary to prepare for a new adventure and push her to try it.
9. Show positive role models for successful women:
A girl’s self-confidence increases and her daring increases when she is on the lookout for successful female models, such as doctors, sports players, members of parliament, and other examples. Such positive models can be referred to through television programs that show this, or obtaining books that praise women’s achievements. And remember that, and read it to the girl to motivate her.
10. Listen well to her.
A girl can be made bold by actively listening to her when she speaks, making her feel the importance of what she says by looking into her eyes and asking for more information about what she thinks, and making sure to ask the main questions about what she is talking about without letting her know what happened, this would provide support In light of the obstacles she faces from peer pressure, intellectual growth, self-esteem, and other pressures she faces in her age stage.
Tips to boost a girl's self-confidence:
Enhance her activities and support her attempts and efforts to do anything without focusing on performance too much, as she can be given advice without frustrating her or judging her poorly if she does it  incorrectly.
Providing all necessary assistance to develop her independent skills, especially activities that guarantee self-expression, such as: cooking, clothing design, theatre, music and sports.
Spending time with her, watching TV, conversing with her about what she watches, and training her to criticize and analyze what she sees.
Writing memos, encouraging the girl to write her dreams and hopes in a small notebook of her own, as writing and repeating sentences helps to achieve and accomplish them.
Signs of self-confidence:
There are some different behaviors and behaviors that indicate that a girl is self-confident, and they are:
A sense of self-worth and acceptance by others, and positive thinking about oneself.
The girl is ready to face the challenges she faces in her life, and she has enough confidence and courage that she can do the things expected of her.
Feeling proud and proud when doing things correctly and successfully.