Commemoration of International Mother Language Day, the mask falls on the Independence Party
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In commemoration of the International Mother Language Day, which falls on February 21 of each year, the Istiqlal Party renews its policy against the Tamazight language, which is considered the mother tongue of the Moroccan people, by issuing a special issue of its Al-Alam newspaper on the Arabic language, considering it the mother tongue of the Moroccan people, although it is the language of Quraysh.
In democracies, justice and democratic voices must intervene to denounce this behavior, which is similar to what the colonial authorities used to do.
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The Arabic language is not considered a mother tongue, as it is a foreign, colonial language, like French and Spanish, imposed on us
Separating the identity of a people from their land and attaching them to another land is a dangerous act that has negative consequences for the stability of peoples. All the peoples of the world are ethnically mixed, but all these races unite in the identity of their land because this eliminates ethnic feuds and racial problems, unites peoples and strengthens loyalty to the homeland. For example, what happens In North Africa between the Amazighs and the Arabists, it is caused by this mistake committed by the regimes by attaching the identity of their peoples to a land located on another continent and bearing its own identity. For this we see that there are no problems between the other races that came to North Africa before the Arabs (Jews, sub-Saharan Africans, ancients and Romans .. Although their number is greater than the number of Arab immigrants) because these races fused into the identity of the land and did not try to attach the identity of the land from which they came as the Arabists do.
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The same thing was done by countries that know identity stability today, such as the Gulf countries, which unified the identity of all the races that live in them in the identity of the Arab land (Abyssinians, Persians, Indians, Armenians...) and the same thing was done by all the countries of the world that are currently stable and are originally a mixture of races. Even America, which Most of its inhabitants are of British origin and speak its language. They do not attribute the identity of the American people to Britain.

Source: websites